A “Inexplicable prayer”: defines in this way the lawyer and sports law professor, Paco D’Onofrio, speaking to Juventibus House, the decision of the Coni Guarantee College on the case of Juventus-NaplesI, waiting to understand, when they will be shelved, the reasons that led to the sensational overturning of the first two levels of judgment.
The lawyer, who reiterated his skepticism towards the college of guarantees regarding jurisdiction over the penalty of defeat at a party table, said he was curious to understand how the Coni judges had “rebuilt” it.
“There are two elements – he explains in the virtual room led by Zampini – that do not convince me: one of a procedural nature: or rather, on why the Football Federation, which should have defended the two previous sentences, is not constituted in court. In fact, this hearing and the procedure for Napoli was a penalty without a goalkeeper, since Juve, very elegantly, had already distanced themselves in the second degree».
The first anomaly, therefore, it would consist for the lawyer in the absence of a real contradiction within the procedure. But there is a second element of contradiction, namely, precisely the very role of the guarantee college that would not have jurisdiction over the sanction of a defeat at the table of a match.
«Whoever is defeated by the matter is certainly not Juventus – specifies D’Onofrio – who had already retired in second degree but the Figc. First for one image issue: in first and second grade there have been frontal, muscular sentences, in which the sports judges of the federation had not limited themselves to saying that Napoli had made a mistake by not going to Turin, but had reconstructed a kind of malice, of malicious foreordination, with reasons that had created a lot of resentment in the sports circles ».
For D’Onofrio it is created then a perspective problem: «Given that – he adds – it is not possible to reopen questions related to previous matches, now what happens if a team has three positives? By following this rule, you could acquire a legitimate but unsolicited opinion of ASL and stay home. The problem is political because the protocol has been denied: the principle is that any ASL, without coordinating with the central government, could or could not independently authorize the transfer of a team, what makes the protocol useless».
The lawyer also addresses the issue of second procedure still under discussion on the matter, the one relating to the challenge of the rape of the bull by Napoli: a case that can lead to penalties for the Neapolitans also in terms of points, but does not affect the replay of the race.
Returning to the sentence of Coni D’Onofrio he adds: «A fact that goes beyond the law it’s the moment it became public: You cannot get a sentence two hours before the game, because if it happened in the financial sphere, the markets would be suspended. It is evident that it has a significant incidence and relapse. Some might argue that it could have been a source of motivation for Napoli – well then it could have come out this morning. The question arises manage events like this with more media wisdom, but we are used from Calciapoli to the exasperation of content and news broadcast when it comes to Juventus, which frankly is not very acceptable.