NAPLES – The controversy over the lack of dispute of the great match of the 3rd day of A league Between Juve me Naples. The ASL imposed fiduciary isolation on the Azzurri following the positivity of Zielinski and Elmas. Therefore, only the bianconeri and the referee trio have been on the pitch, as Napoli have not even gone to Turin. The mayor of Naples, Luigi, also spoke on the matter. of Teachers which one general, his La7, commented on the story: “I don’t think Napoli had alternatives, when the ASL demands that he not leave, and I find it unpleasant that the games are assigned at the table when a game is not played. But now there is very little football in all this, I already do not I can even watch the games without the fans “.
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De Magistris on Juve-Napoli
According to the mayor what happened It is one more symptom of how, despite having spent several months since the start of the pandemic, we cannot foresee absolutely predictable things. It is not understood why different rules have been set for players, that is, not having to go to quarantine if a person is in direct contact with a positive, and here we come to the origin of what Juventus-Napoli anticipated, which is the Napoli-Genoa match “. De Magistris believes that “If the rules that apply to all citizens had been applied, we would not have come to this”.
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From Magistris: “Complete chaos”
“Napoli 2 ASL has been imposed on Naples that it does not leave, with strong prescriptions and also fearing criminal responsibilities. So it is clear that there are conspiracies: if this was an autonomous decision of the ASL I leave it to reason, to” intuition and sagacity of many” – continued the Master – “There is total confusion, from the presence of the fans in the stadium to the management of the matches. I would wonder, as an Italian and as mayor, what has been done in recent months to prevent the emergency from turning into something like that you get used to. and that you take advantage of compressing other rights and allowing you to continue without giving any response “. For the mayor, the theme of football It has to do with the approach with which some issues have been addressed and with the preferential lanes that some sectors, such as football, have for economic reasons “.
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Juve-Napoli De Magistris Asl
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