Juve is waiting for Suárez, but in Barcelona it’s a free fight. And Milik can unlock Dzeko


Time passes, Andrea Pirlo awaits a center forward. At Juventus, the telenovela related to Luis Suarez. Great goal for the bianconeri, pivot of Barcelona’s local revolution. The obstacles remain twofold: the passport and severance pay. On the first front, the Italian exam is expected in the middle of the week, a crucial point to understand if the Gunman you’ll be able to dodge the bureaucracy in time for this fall market. In the second, the war is open at this point in the Camp Nou: the lawyers will soon take to the field, but the tension is palpable and the meeting point does not seem closer.

Does it belong to sblocca Dzeko? Meanwhile, a little further south of Turin, Rome and Napoli are closing in on their respective ratings of Arek milik. The deal to dress the Polish bomber in yellow and red has gotten closer at night: a deal that would unlock the attackers’ round. Because Juve has Suárez in their sights, but Dzeko likes him a lot. Especially Pirlo himself, who did not hide from number 9: he needs it. And, although these are obviously not his words here, the Bosnian could be even more immediate to adapt to the Juve that is being built. If it were easier to close at the level of the transfer market, I could put the arrow and advance. Unless there is a possible flashback from Milik, who still thinks about Juve. The armchair of the Higuaín post (pending the official farewell) is really for two, at most for three. Who will occupy it?
