The level of alarm for the spread of Covid has increased, the system is still in place, but we must strengthen the defenses. This was the reasoning of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in the meeting yesterday afternoon with the CTS, the scientific-technical committee.
Covid, hope meets CTS
The minister and the scientists agree on two points: there are no conditions for closure; Parties, even private ones, should be prohibited, but there are those who abstain from this within the government and the majority, starting with the Renzianos. Yesterday’s data, with a slight decrease in infections (5,456), are just an optical illusion, because there was a decrease in swabs performed (104,658). In addition, patients in therapy increased by 30 units in 24 hours, to 420.
Covid, Cts: quarantine is reduced to 10 days, only one buffer comes out. Molecular and antigenic tests for general practitioner and pediatrician contacts
New Dpcm, approaches clubs, sports, private parties and work. Blocking tests
Agostino Miozzo, president of the CTS: “We have to think of new rules, also in the closing times of nightclubs, but above all apply and enforce the existing ones, otherwise everything is useless.” On another front, however, that of simplifying protocols, the CTS has made concessions. The damping system is near the breaking point, long lines and waits are building. Then it happens that even those with symptoms cannot be tested because part of the resources, for example, is used to perform the double examination of those who are cured. The CTS yesterday gave the green light to reduce the quarantine from 14 to 10 days for those who must remain in isolation and have no symptoms. And he agreed to release the asymptomatic (or symptomatic who are no longer ill) even with a single negative swab.
Italy has so far applied a very cautious line that requires a double negative test. In this way, there are those who are well but remain in prison for months because they may have traces of the virus, it is positive but it is no longer contagious. More in detail: the asymptomatic positive can come out of isolation after 10 days and with a negative swab; the symptomatic positive can always do it after the ten days of quarantine of which the last three consecutive without symptoms and with negative swab; close contact of a positive is free after 10 days of isolation and a negative buffer, but in this case the rapid is sufficient, while in all other cases the molecular type is needed. Green light to the possibility of swabs by general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice. This is an important turning point, because with the reopening of schools, the occasions on which the exam is requested have multiplied. The system is not holding up and the lessons run the risk of stalling. From the family doctor it will be possible to perform both the molecular swab (the extracted material will then be sent to the laboratory) and the antigenic swab (the so-called rapid swab, which returns the response after 20-30 minutes). But now it will be necessary to seek the availability of general practitioners and pediatricians, an operation that has already begun in Lazio. Last piece: yes to fast antigenic swabs in schools and generally to all the simple contacts of a positive.
But are there enough buffers, both molecular and fast? Commissioner Domenico Arcuri has assured that five million have been acquired and this should guarantee a sufficient amount. The CTS will meet again this afternoon and continue to examine Hope’s limitation proposals which are then what will be included in the Dpcm that will be released on Wednesday: not only the early closure of bars and restaurants, but also a ceiling for participants to dinners, parties, weddings, baptisms, funerals, the type of ceremonies that are producing new clusters every day. On this last night, Minister Speranza, Fazio’s guest at Raitre, was peremptory: «I propose to ban all parties, starting with school parties. It is not possible that everything at school is rigorously organized and then perhaps in the afternoon at home there will be a birthday party with classmates. 75 percent of infections occur in family or friends. We have to give up the holidays.
Again: «We will act on the meetings and the opening hours of the premises. But the collaboration of all citizens is needed, the security response is not enough, even if there will be controls against meetings. We must all understand that we are in a new phase. After the reopening, with the increase in cases and what is happening in the rest of Europe, we must return to greater caution. But there are no conditions for a new blockade. Today a summit between Minister Francesco Boccia and the State-Regions Conference, to share the options of the Dpcm. Some measures, starting with the reduced quarantine, were requested by the presidents of the Region, who in this way will have to handle fewer crowds in hospitals and will have more tampons available for potential infected. Speranza clarified: “The Dpcm will say that the regions, if they want to make changes to national measures, can only do so in a restrictive way.”
Last updated: 22:14