Travel to the Palazzo della Salute rehabilitation center in Fiumara. A hundred recovered fight to regain life
Genoa – Emiliano, 42 years old and statuesque physicist, sees a melon and cannot resist: he brings his nose to the fruit to inspire its aroma. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry …”, he smiles at the nurse who puts the purchases in the small refrigerator, before starting the shift in the cardiological rehabilitation department.
The outpatient clinic on the second floor of Palazzo della Salute, in Fiumara, has been transformed since May into the second-chance gym, where a hundred survivors of Covid-19 they train to take their lives back into their own hands.
Testimony about an exercise bike for those who still minimize, but especially for those who do not imagine. What is left, in the body and mind of those who defeated the coronavirus? “I lost 12 kilos and lost a lot of hair. Like I have a tumor. To this day, I don’t feel the taste or smell, and they say it could be permanent damage, says Alessandra Dasso, 46, a health and social worker and mother of two children who she couldn’t hold for a month. Anyone who knows me says I look good but I still have lung and cardiorespiratory sequelae. Inside I feel tired and weary.
Due to her bright tan, Dr. Piero Clavario, affable and authoritative director of Cardiological Rehabilitation, nicknamed her “Cioccolatino”, but this summer Alessandra did not go to a beach day: “I went at dawn to swim, because I can’t lie down on the beach and I’m afraid of crowded places. When I got here I didn’t speak and I cried often. They helped me a lot, even my colleagues who do gymnastics with me. We all have to overcome trauma.