joke about underpants, Patrizia De Blanck sbrocca. A great case – Libero Quotidiano


Francesco Fredella

Sparks Patrizia De Blanck broke bad in the first episode of Big Brother Vip versus baby, columnist in the program made by Alfonso Signorini on Channel 5. “You’re a maniac,” he yells. And it is spectacle. Guaranteed that garbage distribution promised by Signorini. Who makes the town countess go around the annex. “Know that I took care of the furniture … Look where you are going to live …”, Warns the driver. Then Pupo intervenes as soon as De Blank notices the pillows on the bed. “Patrizia you will sleep like a baby with the pillows with my face. And then I tell you those sheets they are made with the fabric of my underpants … “shouts the singer-commentator. “You are a maniac… Are you crazy ?, De Blanck responds. The frost falls. Very embarrassed gentlemen. “This was an unfortunate joke … I wanted to get the fame of the one who would raise the level, and then here is Pupo … You understand ?!”, says Signorini, putting order in the study.

I'm not greeting you, bitch.  Countess De Blanck, brutal insults in record time: chaos at the Gf Vip
