Mastini had not returned to prison on September 6 at the end of a ten-day leave.
Johnny Lo Zingaro: “I ran away for love, I made a fool of myself” “I ran away for love, we always ran for love.” So Johnny Lo Zingaro to the police and prison men after being identified and arrested. When he was blocked, he was alone, unarmed and did not resist. “I did a lot of nonsense, I know,” Giuseppe Mastini told the policemen of the Flying Brigade of the Sassari Police Headquarters who located him in a farmhouse in the Taniga countryside, between Sassari and Sorso. “I wanted to continue my romantic relationship freely,” he told the men coordinated by coach Dario Mongiovì. His escape lasted ten days.
A long trail of crimes Born in 1960 in Ponte San Pietro in the province of Bergamo, Mastini moved to Rome at age ten with his family of carousels and a caravan of Sinti families. The first murder occurs when he is only 11 years old. Over the next fifteen years, he ended up in prison and toured prisons throughout Italy and managed to escape twice.
To put him permanently in prison, in March 1987, is a raid in Rome during which he commits one murder, two assassination attempts and one kidnapping. That day Johnny is intercepted in a car along with Zaira Pochetti, his 20-year-old partner. At that time, Mastini was wanted when he escaped from the Casal del Marmo jail for minors, also this time thanks to a permit for good behavior, after a 12-year sentence for the murder of a tram driver, Vittorio Bigi, killed for robbery. to the Tiburtino.
At the police stop, the bandit shoots, killing officer Michele Giraldi instantly and seriously wounding his patrol colleague, Mauro Petrangeli. Shortly after, he is involved in another shootout with a civilian carabinieri. Finally Mastini takes hostage Silvia Leonardi, a girl who was with her boyfriend and who is later released in Bufalotta.

The previous exhaust in 2017 Since July 2017, he has been locked up in the maximum security prison of Sassari, after the previous escape that took place on June 30, 2017, from the Fasano (Cuneo) prison. Also on that occasion he had come out enjoying the regime of semi-freedom.
Bonafede: “Thanks to the police” “The escapee Giuseppe Mastini, known as Johnny ‘the gypsy’, was tracked down and captured thanks to the joint work of the Central Investigation Unit of the Penitentiary Police and the State Police. I thank you with all my heart ”. Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede writes in a tweet.