
The American Magazine Time elected President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as People of the Year.
Time He explained that of Biden “they said he was too old, too boring”, that he had been criticized for saying that “hate should not be answered with hatred”, while instead he believed “that most voters simply wanted reconciliation after four years of struggle, yearning for decency, dignity, experience and competence. ”But these are the qualities that ultimately led him to success and the choice of Time.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are TIME’s 2020 Person of the Year #TIMEPOY https://t.co/o97QNlSBrl pic.twitter.com/KuoBoebBN4
– TIME TIME) December 11, 2020
Always second Time however, Biden could not have won alone. In the absence of him, “what a 78-year-old white man could never have provided: generational change, a new perspective, and an embodiment of American diversity. For that, he needed Kamala Harris: a California senator, former district attorney and state attorney general.
“Defeating the Minotaur was one thing; finding the way out of the labyrinth will be another », he writes Time, adding that “there will be no rest for the winners.” In fact, in the United States “the new and tragic milestone of more than 3,000 deaths from COVID-19 in one day, millions of children have a delay in their education, millions of parents are without work.”
The “people” of the year of all time
1927, Charles Lindbergh
1928, Walter Chrysler
1929, Owen Young
1930, Mahatma Gandhi
1931, Pierre Laval
1932, Franklin Roosevelt
1933, Hugh Samuel Johnson
1934, Franklin Roosevelt
1935, Haile Selassie I
1936, Wallis Simpson
1937, Chiang e Soong
1938, Adolf Hitler
1939, Josif Stalin
1940, Winston Churchill
1941, Franklin Roosevelt
1942, Josif Stalin
1943, George Marshall
1944, Dwight Eisenhower
[1945, Harry Truman
1946, James Byrnes
1947, George Marshall
1948, Harry Truman
1949, Winston Churchill
1950, el soldado americano
1951, Mohammed Mossadegh
1952, Isabel II de Inglaterra
1953, Konrad Adenauer
1954, John Foster Dulles
1955, Harlow Curtice
1956, el patriota húngaro
1957, Nikita Kruscev
1958, Charles de Gaulle
1959, Dwight Eisenhower
1960, científicos estadounidenses
1961, John Kennedy
1962, Papa Juan XIII
1963, Martin Luther King Jr
1964, Lyndon Johnson
1965, William Westmoreland
1966, baby boom
1967, Lyndon Johnson
1968, astronautas del Apolo 8
1969, el estadounidense promedio
1970, Willy Brandt
1971, Richard Nixon
1972, Kissinger y Nixon
1973, John Sirica
1974, Re Faisal
1975, Mujer del año
1976, Jimmy Carter
1977, Anwar Sadat
1978, Deng Xiaoping
1979, Ayatolá Jomeini
1980, Ronald Reagan
1981, Lech Walesa
1982, la computadora
1983, Reagan e Andropov
1984, Peter Ueberroth
1985, Deng Xiaoping
1986, Corazon Aquino
1987, Mikhail Gorbachev
1988, el planeta Tierra
1989, Mikhail Gorbachev
1990, George HW Bush
1991, Ted Turner
1992, Bill Clinton
1993, yo pacificadores
1994, Juan Pablo II
1995, Newt Gingrich
1996, David Ho
1997, Andrew Grove
1998, Starr e Clinton
1999, Jeffrey Bezos
2000, George W. Bush
2001, Rudolph Giuliani
2002, Cooper Rowley Watkins
2003, el soldado americano
2004, George W. Bush
2005, Bono y Gates
2006, Tu
2007, Vladimir Putin
2008, Barack Obama
2009, Ben Bernanke
2010, Mark Zuckerberg
2011, el manifestante
2012, Barack Obama
2013, Papa Francisco
2014, Médicos contra el ébola
2015, Angela Merkel
2016, Donald Trump
2017, El movimiento #metoo
2018, “Los Guardianes”
2019, Greta Thunberg
2020, Joe Biden y Kamala Harris