Drama in the camp of Marina di Massa, Jannat and Malak Lassiri, death by falling from a tree in their tent
A true drama is what happened yesterday morning, Sunday, August 30, in Marina di Massa. Due sisters, calls Jannat 3 years and Malak lassiri, 14 years old, I am deathwhile they slept in the tent. It all happened because of bad weather and the fall of a tree.

A tragedy that destroyed a family of origin Moroccan, who lives in Torino, since many years. They decided to spend a few days party already camping Green sea, in Tuscany.
They were supposed to leave on the afternoon of Saturday, August 29, but they decided remove departure the next day, precisely at the bad weather.
According to the information that emerged, the drama unfolded around 7 a.m. The whole family, made up of parents me 3 kids 3, 9 and 14 years old, were asleep within a store. With them was also the sister of the mother, 19 years.

When suddenly due to a twister, it is fallen a poplar, about 4 meters high, which ended up right in that tent, where he was sleeping there family. The intervention of 118, which arrived in minutes.
Doctors intervened, tried revive little Jannat, for several minutes. But in the end, they could only declare the death. While Malak, the older sister, is dead after arriving at Hospital, in condition desperate. It was a promise of judo.
The Search of Massa and Carrara, immediately opened a investigation file for what happened. For this, the entire area where the accident occurred was placed under seizure. This drama has shocked many people. In fact, on the web, many have appeared messages of condolence.
Death Jannat and Malak Lassiri: the tweet of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte

The tragic death of the 2 sisters, who were on vacation in Marina di Massa, hurts us deeply. A vacation turned into a tragedy. A strong and touching hug for the parents and all members of your family.
The parents, a 9-year-old brother and a 19-year-old girl, dated not harmful. Mom and Dad have decided to do a last gesture of love: they decided to donate he organs of his daughters.