“Jackal”, “Your mistakes” It’s a fight De Luca-Di Maio


Government to send home and Luigi Di Maio on the jackal list, he has no doubts Vincenzo de Luca in the speech delivered during a live Facebook. The spectacle of the president of the Campania region opens with a thrust against the executive and the slowness and scarcity of the measures taken to contain the health emergency.

The attack on the executive

“The Campania region remains to date the region with the lowest Covid mortality rate. Not only the Covid mortality from February to today, but also the mortality figure that refers to September-November. In these two months we have had a clash of lines and political choice in relation to contagion “explains the governor, taking credit for local achievements. “We, the Campania region, were about to close everything in October. Close everything for a month, to have an operation to stop the contagion, in time to reach Christmas in sustainable conditions. government made another choice “ click De Luca. You have decided to take progressive initiatives, to take small steps, choosing the so-called proportional response: the more contagion increases, the more we act. A totally wrong choice, since contagion does not increase linearly but exponentially. We have thus lost two precious months, during which we have had a dramatic increase in infections and even deaths .. “.

Only one politician had the courage to take responsibility for going against the will of the Giallorossi executive, De Luca explains.“he was the president of the region Campania. In the meantime, however, Instead, the government decided that schools should be kept open (remember Azzolina’s words endorsed by the Prime Minister). Now they have closed them, that is, they have done what the Campania region had already done a month ago. And no one has apologized. . We had Italy divided into zones, a thoughtless choice “.

This is how it originates“A chaotic situation, derived from governmental decisions that we do not share. In all this, an initiative that I consider fundamental, which is the full and organic participation of all the police forces and the Italian army for the control of the territory. If you do ordinances and nobody check, you are clearly wasting your time. The absurd thing is that now everyone who has underestimated the problem has now become everyone stickler.

The finger pointed to the mayor of Naples

The governor has it for everyone, even for the mayor of Naples De Magistris, although he never nominates him directly. Last week it opened with news: the Naples waterfront was filled with thousands of people, most without masks. That is, while the rest of the country worked to contain the infection, the image of Naples reached Italy where we walked happily without even the shadow of strict control. That was a meeting prohibited by law. That image went around the country. And from here came the national push to close everything “. After the explanation comes the direct attack on Giggino, whose ears will be whistled. “Those images do not motivate a red area but a red one, because in reality they are things shameful. You know who should have decided it, but was busy doing the TV rounds to advertise? All this comes to tarnish the image of Naples and Campania “.

The clash with Di Maio

The next target is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, whom the Governor of Campania does not send them to tell. “A new individual, a prominent exponent of the government and of Campania, has been added to the jackal list, as Luigi di maio. He was one of those who campaigned against the Campania region for the right to have intensive care carried out by wasting public money. He would have had to worry about sending missing personnel to hospitals. This was someone who loved the commissioner of Campania. We would have ended up worse than in Calabria, where the government commissioners are doing the destruction. And he talks … and he talks … The very name of this guy gives me instinctive reactions that I would like to control, at least in the next few hours “.

An executive made up of incompetent, according to De Luca, who tells an anecdote: “I was able to tell some members of the Democratic Party that if they have to stay in government with these people, as far as I’m concerned, it would be better to send this government home.”. “Save 3 or 4 ministers”he points again, “This is not a government, I don’t want to tell you what it is.”

Di Maio himself, strongly trapped in the house, responded to the president of Campania, inviting him to accept “humbly” the government’s help. To pay for the mistakes made, explains the former head of 5Stelle, it’s not De Luca “but they are from Campania.” Therefore, the governor must accept“with humility you help” of the government. “It seems that yesterday at the State-Regions conference, President De Luca improvised a skit Napolitano rejecting any type of government aid, from the army to the support of doctors and hospitals to civil protection. It seems that everything is fine for him in Campania and that there is no need for help “Di Maio explained, as reported by “Dnakronos“. “In Campania there are those who die alone collapsed in the bathrooms of the hospitals or those who are even treated in the car. I do not know if President De Luca is hiding something, but certainly there was no need to wait for the data to declare the maximum alert in Campania given the scenes of these days in the emergency room “.

In the last hours, the Higher Institute of Health is doing well, putting Campania in the red zoneDi Maio continued. “Now, however, we are sending aid to the Campania region and I hope that President De Luca, with a hint of humility that never hurts, can accept them, putting the interests of the community before his personal selfishness.” the army is in front of the hospitals, in many regions of Italy, it is not clear why there cannot be in Campania “. So the lunge:“It certainly depends on De Luca responsibility having mismanaged Campania’s health system in recent years. “
