Iva Zanicchi annoys the tenants – Libero Quotidiano


Christian malgioglio had become the protagonist of a bad slip of the coronavirus, it happened a little secretly because Big Brother Vip he had immediately censored his controversial words. The lyricist had talked about “laboratory virus” and had been cautious with the vaccine (“but who does it?”), Only to be remembered in the confessional and probably scolded for the reality production of Canale 5 presented by Alfonso Signorini. Who, perhaps precisely to remedy Malgioglio’s slip, in the episode of Friday, December 11, broadcast a video message from Iva Zanicchi. The main reason was to encourage the lyricist, always sad at Christmas since he lost his mother: the singer encouraged him, after which he also spoke of his direct experience with Covid: “In the hardest moments you kept me very good company. Think well of Christmas and think that you are lucky ”. The one who has not been is Zanicchi’s brother: “He left in a terrible way, like all those who died from Covid, but I do not want to sadden them.”
