Iv opens up, the centrists ask for a Count to break the stalemate


Government crisis: IV opens, the centrists ask for a Count to get out of the stalemate

Government crisis Italia Viva reopens the confrontation with Palazzo Chigi, the centrists put conditions, asking for a Count on having to resolve the situation. Meanwhile, time is running out: on Wednesday, the executive is likely to pass under Palazzo Madama in the vote against the Guardian of the Stamps Alfonso Bonafede, of whom Forza Italia is again asking for the head. The puzzle of this very complicated crisis is enriched with new pieces, however, all the unknowns remain on the table. In the bed of what was the Giallorossi majority there is a new movement to “open” Matteo Renzi’s party. The deputies and senators of Italia Viva launched a call for, given the “difficult health situation and the dramatic economic data”, there is “a political solution that has the encouragement of the legislature and offers a vision of Italy for the future.” years “.

A legislative pact to heal the fracture of the last days to which the prime minister chooses not to respond. Vito Crimi opposes any afterthought: “There are no margins – observes the political leader M5s – to fix with Renzi, the door is definitely closed”. Meanwhile, most continue to work on creating “builders.” Bruno Tabacci enters Palazzo Chigi twice, where he meets Luigi Di Maio. Then, leaving Piazza Colonna, he illustrates his roadmap to journalists to get out of the current stalemate: “The possibility of strengthening the majority is there, but a new government is needed, a small reorganization is not enough. I think Conte is the only point of balance in this legislature. To end the crisis – observes the president of Cd – it is necessary to open up to a wider range of forces. Renzi made a disruptive speech in the Senate, but I think there are more conciliatory positions in IV. And then there is the FI Liberal Democrats’ area.


Precisely this love was launched in the moderate zone of the blue party. does not go unnoticed. Silvio Berlusconi, in an interview, reiterates that this government must go home because it is “harmful to the country.” In his pouring parler, the Knight waits for a institutional governance, of national unity. However, not all of yours are of this idea. No one comes out, but many in the Senate, among the furthest from the League, also to avoid the polls, do not rule out their involvement in the group of leaders. However, there is not much time left: on Wednesday the Keeper of the Seals may not have the votes to see his report approved at the Palazzo Madama.

Even Sandra Lonardo, senator of the Misto group, former FI, announces her unfavorable vote. But it was Mara Carfagna who struck the final blow, calling the minister not “not a political tactic, but a moral duty.” Finally, the new developments on the internal reorganization of the Cinco Estrellas also show that this is not a period of calm for politics: in fact, the Statute changes and instead of the figure of the Politician, the formation of the Steering Committee is expected. . , or the collegiate body, made up of 5 members, elected by the members, for a duration of three years and whose agreements are approved by a majority of members.

Political polls, Conte fishes in not voting but the right always ahead

Meanwhile, Senator Maria Rosaria Rossi denounces today on her Instagram profile that she has been receiving “insults and threats” for days but what “really matters are all those messages of esteem, affection and support to move forward.” “You are my strength,” writes the former Forza Italia who today, as Adnkronos has learned from parliamentary sources, would have spent a long time at the Palazzo Chigi where he met with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. This is her second time after being received on the night of the yes at Palazzo Madama. Rossi has not yet joined Misto’s group but will be part of the new parliamentary group that Conte’s ‘bridges’ are trying to form in the coming days. The negotiations are in fact in a difficult phase, but there is still room for success. Rossi prefers to remain silent about her choice, painful but conscious. No personal spite against the current magic circle, nor is there the hand of Silvio Berlusconi, would have assured the ‘neo responsibility’ to those who have had the opportunity to listen to him in these hours.

Last updated: 20:48

