That Rocco casalino Has it been permanently resized? Suspicion reaches Fabrizio Roncone from Corriere della Sera, who in his article on “color” at the prime minister’s year-end press conference Giuseppe Conte highlights the unusually isolated role of its powerful spokesperson and communications strategist. Some have fiercely ironic about the coat of arms of the gigantic council presidency, just below the prime minister’s bust. But Roncone noticed something else in the “scenery” of Villa Madama: “Christmas stars as big as certain tropical carnivorous plants, there’s a tall, perfectly decorated tree, and then to the right is Rocco Casalino, this time head down, this time forced to give up the role of grandmaster of ceremonies, mute and resigned behind the mask. “In addition, the president of the Order of Journalists Carlo Verna He quickly thanks him along with the others in the press office, and thus opens the traditional end of the year conference ”. How to say: Rocco, one of many.