“It’s not that …”, the detail on his face – Libero Quotidiano


Episode of Half past eight with Maria Elena Boschi. In addition to the constant question and answer between the deputy of Italia Viva and Lilli gruber, a suspicious detail jumped in the eyes of the spectators. Verónica is in charge of informing us that, after the broadcast of La7, she wrote a letter to Dagospia. The text? Here it is: “Dear Dago, isn’t it as if Boschi also puffed out his lips for a moment? There was something new, bangs aside. With established esteem.” A letter that the site of Roberto D’Agostino published properly, avoiding any comment. Therefore, only one doubt remains.

Instead of asking her about her boyfriend ... Bellanova bombs Gruber, something is wrong: Why so much hate with Boschi?
