“Disinfect the entire building of the Ministry of development“That is why the headquarters of the Bet why coronavirus positivity of an employee. The correspondent of The air that pulls summarizes the story and Myrta merlino she is puzzled: “But wasn’t it easier to trace the contacts of the infected person?” The infection specialist responds Matteo bassetti, Head of Infectious Diseases of San Martino di Genova: “It is not EbolaThese are extreme, if we did it in our hospital we would evacuate it every morning ”.
Then the invitation to the authorities and the Italians: “You have to keep the bar a little longer in the middle, be more calm. They are exaggerations that lead the population to be terrified by this virus, which is very bad. ”“ You have to try to do things calmly, ”Bassett still asks,“ when people see an entire Ministry being emptied to carry out disinfestation. of a place where there was a person asymptomatic I think it’s a bit of an exaggeration. It is not Ebola ”, repeats the professor.