“We are back at Level 4, black level. Everything closed, the recurring message is ‘stay home’ ». Silvia Lozza, 30 years old, originally from Soccher di Ponte nelle Alpi, lives with her two children inEssex northeast of London. A contact of Abm, the association that brings together the people of Belluno in the world. An audio-video operator and editor, she lives in one of the quadrants where the highest number of new cases have been registered in recent days. “Pretty much the outbreak of the latest Covid mutation.” This year he will not return to Italy, not at Christmas or New Year’s Eve. In England, the new variant of the virus, the “mutant coronavirus”, as it is called across the Channel, has forced the government to close several counties.
«It was a low blow – explains the woman from Belluno – for all the families that had organized for Christmas. Even a few days before the measures were taken, Boris Johnson had announced that at Christmas we would be free, that everything would be open. It didn’t happen that way. “
The discovery of a much more contagious strain has raised the bar to ensure safety margins in hospitals. «We had already decided – Silvia explains – that this year we would not come for vacation. We first tested it for October, now we have postponed it again to 2021. We would come every two months. In 2020 we have only been to Italy once ».
English variant, flights reopened with London to repatriate Italians: two tampons and isolation
«Today I was discharged from a preventive quarantine because my son had a fever – Silvia resumed – we always live with anxiety, despite the fact that my husband and I stay at home a lot and only go out for a walk. The school the children attend and the supermarket are the only opportunities for contact. But you still worry: you have to live with anxiety. In general, the British are good at following the rules. However, people got tired of the constant change of measures, even here there were train robberies. There are people who travel 400 km to pick up their children. We have been promised a review later this month and we’ll see how it goes. It is hoped that we can move towards a relaxation of the measures.
«In my days it doesn’t change so much: I go out to take the child to school and do the shopping. Whether everything is closed or open doesn’t matter much. Anyway in this situation we would still be forced to stay at home.
Last updated: 11:23