it’s easy to become a red zone


According to today’s bulletin, November 9, 2020, there are 2,153 positive cases in Lazio, 1,132 in Rome. “Today of more than 22 thousand tampons in Lazio (-1,968 compared to yesterday) there are 2,153 positive cases (-336), 16 deaths and 241 cured (+110)”, explained the Regional Health Councilor, Alessio D ‘Amado. “Both cases and the relationship between positives and swabs drop to 9%,” added D’Amato, who emphasized that it is necessary to avoid meetings. “Y it’s quick to go to the red zone, it depends only on individual behavior».

Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, November 9: 25,271 new cases in 24 hours and 356 deaths

The detail of the ASL

In ASL Roma 1, there are 383 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with a known case. There are three hospitalizations. There are two deaths of 85 and 84 years with pathologies.

In ASL Roma 2 there are 451 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. One hundred and seventy-five cases identified on the recommendation of the GP. There are two deaths of 80 and 89 years due to pathologies.

#Coronavirus: the newsletter of the Lazio Region from # 9novembre. #Health

Posted by Salute Lazio on Monday, November 9, 2020

In ASL Roma 3, there are 298 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. Eleven are hospitalizations.

In ASL Roma 4 there are 104 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are five cases linked to the RSA Gonzaga di Ladispoli cluster where the epidemiological investigation is being carried out.

In ASL Roma 5 there are 293 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case.

In ASL Roma 6 there are 182 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with a case already known. Twenty-one cases with links to the RSA Mater Dei cluster in Ariccia. In the provinces there are 442 cases and twelve deaths in the last 24 hours.

In Latin ASL there are 162 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are three deaths of 74, 85 and 93 years with pathologies.

In the ASL of Frosinone there are 54 new cases and they are isolated cases in the home, contacts of an already known case or with a family link. There are five deaths of 68, 69, 78, 82 and 86 years with pathologies. In the ASL of Viterbo, 204 new cases are registered and these are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There is an 86-year-old death with pathologies.

In the Rieti ASL there are 22 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are three deaths of 82, 84 and 87 years with pathologies ”, comments the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.

Zingaretti’s alarm

«At the moment Lazio is in the yellow zone at the level of danger but the contagion numbers are increasing and therefore it is absolutely unthinkable to lower our guard. During the weekend we witnessed absurd crowded scenes that multiply the risk of transmission of the virus -explained the president of the Zingaretti- Region. It seems that too many are not fully aware of the tragedy we are facing. Once again we are mobilizing the health system, but it is unfair to throw everything on the health workers. That is why I appeal to common sense: if you see too crowded streets, beaches, squares where distance is not respected or the use of masks, stay away and take your loved ones because they are dangerous places.

Last updated: 17:59

