Italy’s Red Zone: Questions and Answers About Christmas Restrictions


1. Is it allowed to leave the house freely?
No, it is forbidden to move, both in the same Municipality and to neighboring Municipalities, unless there are proven work needs, health reasons or situations of need (example: the purchase of basic necessities, such as food and medicine). In case of control, a self-certification must be completed, which will then be subject to verification by the authorities: the proven falsehood of what is declared constitutes a crime.

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2. Is it possible to go for a walk?
No, unless the move is related to the needs provided for in the decree, therefore, work, health, needs (example: walking to the supermarket or pharmacy, or church). You can also go out to take the dog out, for its physiological needs, and for physical activity, as long as you are alone and you stay near your home.

3. Can I visit family or friends?

No, it is not allowed to meet with family or friends who do not live together, in any place, open or closed. Unless it’s about visiting people who are not self-sufficient or who need help. And in the case of separated / divorced parents who have to reunite with minors.

Four. Is it allowed to go to second homes?
No, not even if they are in the same Municipality or in the same Region. The only case in which you can go is that of a sudden emergency: the pipe breaks, there is a collapse in the house or there is a robbery. The time spent in the second house, however, should be limited to solving the problem.

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5. Is return home or residence always possible?
Yes, without limitations of days and hours. It will be enough to self-certify that you are returning home.
6. Are the bars and restaurants open?
Restaurants and other catering activities, including bars, patisseries and ice cream parlors, are open exclusively for take away sale, allowed from 5 to 22, and for home delivery, allowed without time limit. Customers can enter and stay on the premises only for the time strictly necessary to purchase the take-out products. It is forbidden to consume outside of bars or restaurants.

7. What if you stay in a hotel with a restaurant?
Guests staying overnight at the hotel can eat. However, for New Years Eve, only room service is allowed. Limitation that can be extended to other holidays.

8. What other bars and restaurants can remain open to the public?
The bars and restaurants located within the highway rest stops and the service stations, hospitals and airports can continue their normal activity.

9. Are the stores open?
All retail business activities are suspended, except for the sale of food and basic necessities. Closed shopping centers, except for supermarkets or pharmacies located inside. However, home delivery of products is still possible for all business activities.

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10. Actually, there are many exceptions, which ones?
Tobacco shops, newsagents, pharmacies and parapharmacies, perfumeries, stores selling products for children and babies can also remain open. And then also hairdressers and barbers, gas stations, laundries, hardware stores, opticians, bookstores and stationery stores, florists, and car and motorcycle dealerships.

eleven. And the markets?
Both the general and local markets are open, both indoors and outdoors. Inside, however, only the sale of food products and the flower-plant-animal sector is allowed.
12. Are fairs and events allowed?
Trade fairs and events, such as Christmas markets, are always prohibited. Allow public events, but only statically and guaranteeing distance.

13. Is public transport regular?
Yes, the service is guaranteed, but buses, trams and metro can only be filled to half capacity.

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14. Can we go to mass?
It is possible to get to the place of worship closest to home. Access to the church is allowed, provided that gatherings are avoided and distance is ensured, especially during religious services, in accordance with specific protocols. As for the Christmas Eve masses, they must be advanced to allow the faithful to return home before 10 p.m. Cemeteries are open, but only within municipal limits.

fifteen. Is sports activity allowed?
Activities such as jogging or cycling are only possible outdoors and individually. You can also practice sports in the picnic areas and public parks, it is not necessaryinstitution near your home. Always respecting the interpersonal distance of at least two meters and the prohibition of assembly. However, nothing to do, not even outdoors, for activities in sports centers or clubs, which are closed. Obviously, the gyms and swimming pools are also closed, as well as the wellness centers and

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