
The coronavirus emergency continues in Italy and in the world. In our country, according to yesterday’s bulletin, almost 20 thousand infections of 345,336 swabs and 376 deaths from Covid were registered. The positivity rate is 5.7%. Currently positive cases are 478,883 (+6,374). In the last 24 hours the peak of admission to intensive care has been registered. The Region with the highest number of daily infections is Lombardy.
Lombardy: 4,084
Veneto: +1.608
Piedmont: +2,018
Campania: +2,709
Emilia Romagna: +2,429
Lazio: +1.431
Tuscany: +1.001
Sicily: +595
Apulia: +1.286
Liguria: +248
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +598
Walking: +423
Abruzzo: +187
Sardinia: +146
PA Bolzano: +178
Umbria: +232
Calabria: +149
PA Trento: +213
Basilicata: +186
Molise: +18
Aosta Valley: +8
These are the indications that the experts of the government’s Scientific Technical Committee in the face of the increase in infections: strengthening of restrictions for yellow zones, establishment of local red zones with stricter and more severe measures, and imposition of closures on weekends, such as It was already done during the Christmas holidays. For the virologist Pregliasco, the peak of the third wave will be at the end of March. The new executive is meeting today to change the Dpcm that came into effect on March 6. On the vaccine front, Italy will be the first EU country to produce Sputnik V. And Palazzo Chigi says: “Johnson & Johnson will supply 200 million doses to the EU in 2021” –
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