
Publications of intensive care duplicate, investments in home care andward nurse, creation of a Covid-Hospital network, 190 million euros for overtime and subsidies for hospital staff who have struggled on the front line in recent months. As of the dl relaunch, € 3.2 billion for medical care: Italy is preparing for a long battle against the coronavirus; in February we were not ready and today we count more than 30 thousand dead, but we will not have to meet without preparation in the fall, especially if there will be a second wave. Here, then, we invested in ventilators and intensive care units, those that in the most dramatic days were insufficient: only Covid patients died 4,000 and, in some cases, doctors feared having to choose who to save.
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What are the investments decided by the government? They explain to the Ministry of Health: the 3,500 more seats will be stabilized. intensive care that had been established in the emergency. “It ranges from 5,179 (before the coronavirus) to 8,679, an increase of 70 percent. To these must be added the predisposition to intensive care, with the only implementation of mechanical ventilation and monitoring, of 2,112 semi-intensive care beds ». Finally, if necessary, there will be 300 mobile intensive care beds, divided into 4 mobile structures, ready to be installed in a short time in areas with greater needs. “This brings the availability of intensive care to 11,091 intensive care beds, more than 115 percent compared to pre-emergency availability.” Another node is that of Covid Hospitals, structures intended only for infected patients: some regions have already established them, the objective is to take them throughout the country to avoid, as happened during the emergency, that hospitals become multipliers of the epidemic if there is no separation of patients. Covid ambulances will also be purchased and emergency rooms will be renovated. Overall, the investment in hospital facilities is worth nearly one and a half billion.
Another weakness of the system, especially in the first days of the epidemic, was the low presence of “local health”, at least in some regions: all the patients ended up in the hospital, they were not taken care of at home on time. Hence the decision to reserve more than 1,200 million euros for this sector. Here, for example, the neighborhood nurse. What is it about? “There are 9,600 new nurses, 8 for every 50,000 inhabitants, also in support of the Continuity Units for Special Assistance (Usca). € 332,640,000 have been allocated for new hires. “
“The availability of nursing staff to support general medicine studies to deal with the emergency also increases with € 10 million.” But what are the Usca? They are groups that operate in the area, made up of doctors and nurses, with the task of going, for example, to RSAs (assisted medical care residences) but also to homes. Precisely for the home care “of patients over 65 years of age, it will go from the current 610,741 patients, equal to 4 percent of the population over 65, to 923,500 units, equal to 6.7. Services for the population under 65 years of age they also doubled. ” There will be monitoring in the home thanks to an app, more social workers and structures in the area for isolation. Finally, 500 million euros are destined to hire, train and incentivize staff.
Explains the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in a video message on Facebook, recalling that in the last five months a total of 8,800 million have been invested in health: “We are preparing our hospitals and our emergency services to manage a possible second wave from Covid-19. We must be ready, because scientists tell us that a possible second wave cannot be excluded. We have decided to confirm more places for intensive care, we will work with the Regions to be quick and ready before autumn. These places will remain forever, even when there is a coronavirus vaccine, and will strengthen our national health service and our country. ”