An important week begins for Italy on the European front. On Wednesday, before leaving for Brussels, Giuseppe Conte will make his communications to Parliament – on the eve of the European Council – which must ratify the agreement reached in the Eurogroup. Therefore, the premier will present the majority resolution on Mes e Recovery Background. Precisely because of this last issue, a rather hectic day is promised. Today a fiery Council of Ministers is scheduled to discuss the general budget of the Italian Recovery Plan with individual ambushes. And the prime minister will have to deal with a number of opinions contrary placed by the Renzians.
The spirits are pretty turbulent. Last night Ettore Rosato and María Elena Boschi left the majority summit – convened via the web by the head of government on the eve of the CDM – in the presence of ministers Gualtieri, Amendola and Patuanelli. Basically, Conte has already been cornered by his allies. As reported The Republic, gives Italy Long Live they complain about the lack of dialogue between Palazzo Chigi and the majority forces: “In the Council of Ministers we voted against this plan. We cannot know the government spending plans through interviews.“.
Italy live on a war footing
Meanwhile, the Cabinet is He slipped two hours, from 9 to 11. Symptom of how heavy the air is. The crux remains the “phantom plan” unknown to both ministers and the opposition. Tonight Renzian’s ministers received the draft at almost one in the morning of a measure they were due to vote on this morning. “But it seems possible that the structure of the task force that should manage the largest investment chapter since the warDark to us who are the majority force?Davide Faraone thundered.
The president of the Senators of Italia Viva, spoke to the microphones of general, reiterated the need to follow an institutional path and ensure the participation of the social partners. And of these two aspects, the premier must respond in the first person: “We avoid the little powers to Salvini not to hand them over to Conte, who in any case was given the greatest freedom of action ever seen by a prime minister in a democracy, as was the right thing to do during the pandemic“.
Luciano Nobili echoed him during the broadcast of Rai 1 Mattina: “This approach does not exist to convince neither from the point of view of merit nor from the point of view of method and we trust that President Conte will change course“. The Italian deputy Viva hopes that the projects will be discussed in the Council of Ministers and in Parliament with the majority and opposition forces since they will affect the next decades of our country:”No other working group and the umpteenth hiring of consultants. There is a government, the prime minister says his team of ministers is the best he can have, so you use it, you work with the government, not with consultants.“.
In the same vein Elena Bonetti, Minister of Equal Opportunities and Family, interviewed in Tgcom24: “Constitute a kind of parallel structure to the government of which Parliament is unaware, it is evident that it is a way of depriving the country in the construction of its future and this is for us. unacceptable“The lack of involvement is always contested, so Conte is expected to change his pace:”Truly today there is a country that must find dialogue and responsibility together“.
Working group in bilico?
Conte had spoken of a structure consisting of six supermanager, assisted by related personnel, who will be responsible for the technical supervision of the implementation of the Recovery Fund projects and who in exceptional cases could be calledintervene with alternate powers to avoid delays and loss of resourcesIn any case, the prime minister has put his hands out to calm the situation: today the rule will only be shared with ministers, while the names will be indicated later. But it is precisely the substance that ministers do not like. renziani. “The main economic policy decisions have always been made by party heads of delegation. We were the first to propose a mission unit to the presidency of the Council, but it is another thing to create a technical structure parallel to politics“explains Luigi Marattin.
That is why the representatives of Italia Viva yesterday left the afternoon meeting with a lot of tone. controversial. However, Conte seems willing to continue on his way, also giving life to a pyramid scheme that will see the Prime Minister himself at the top, joined by the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri and the Minister of Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli. As pointed out The impressionBrussels fears that the projects will be lost in the bureaucracy and therefore encourages the creation of a working group of experts. Create tensions it was also the letter signed by the demgovernors Nicola Zingaretti (Lazio) and Stefano Bonaccini (Emilia-Romagna) with their colleagues from 22 other European Regions to ask the European Union to participate directly in the Recovery Fund. “Understandable initiative, as it can be trust of this premiere?“, attacked Renziano Michele Anzaldi.
A few minutes before the start of the CDM – convened on the definition and implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – there is a serious risk that the green light to the structure that will have to manage the 209,000 million euros will not go out. Conte would have assured that there will be no vote in the morning; However, if there are, Italia Viva ministers say they are ready to vote. versus, specifying that it is in no way a strategy to raise the level of tension in the government. “With great loyalty we said that we do not vote with a punch“, it is explained. Therefore, probably today there will not be a final decision on the matter.