
Since yesterday, Italy is the third country in the world in mortality from Covid. In the last month it has been the country with the most tragic management of the pandemic. With the data of November 23, the mortality from Covid in Italy has risen to more than 918 deaths per million inhabitants, a figure that places the Giuseppe Conte government behind the two worst countries in the world to manage the health crisis: Belgium and Peru.

Italy has surpassed Spain, Argentina and the United Kingdom in this tragic budget and has also surpassed and distanced Bolsonaro’s Brazil in more than 100 deaths per million inhabitants, and even more so Trump’s United States, which have long been considered. the two worst countries in the world in managing the pandemic. But the virus is the same all over the world, and therefore the death rate indicates the countries that have done everything possible to control the health crisis. Unfortunately, Conte’s second wave elections turned out to be the worst in the world for Italians who are losing thousands of their loved ones.