Italy red zone from Christmas Eve to January 6, at 12:30 p.m. the summit of truth


Italy red zone from Christmas Eve to January 6, at 12:30 p.m. the summit of truth

The moment of truth will begin today just before lunch. In fact, the fate of the Christmas Italians. The sentence will come from a summit, which promises to be fiery, between the premier Giuseppe Conte and the majority heads of delegation Dario Franceschini (Pd), Roberto Speranza (LeU), Alfonso Bonafede (5Stelle) and Teresa Bellanova (Italia Viva), which will be attended by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia. At stake: freedom of movement and family gatherings in the same city or town the days prior to holidays and holidays from December 23 or 24 to January 6.

Closing party, Miozzo (Cts): “Near Befana and the controls must be stricter”

The positions are now consolidated. On the one hand, there is Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, supported by Renziana Teresa Bellanova (Bonafede considers himself “neutral”), who shares the need for a “tightening of measures” to prevent an increase in infections. But he says, “concerned about the psychological and social stability of the country”: “Italy would not endure a new generalized blockade.”


Bars, restaurants and shops

Conte, in short, would not go beyond the orange zone at the national level, with bars, restaurants and municipal borders closed, but with shops open (also so as not to ruin the launch of the cash-back plan) and above all with the possibility of citizens to leave the house. The proof: yesterday the prime minister spoke only of “some tweaks” and “some additional measures”, arguing that with “the current system we are containing the epidemic well.”
A cautious line, “impregnated with populism” according to a Democratic exponent, rejected by the “rigorist” front in which Roberto Speranza (Salute), Boccia and the head of delegation of the Democratic Party Dario Franceschini are deployed. For the three ministers, who hope to obtain the support of the Regions in the meeting that will precede the majority summit, the best solution would be the red zone. A confinement, which in addition to the closure of shops and restaurants, would include the prohibition of leaving home except for necessity, work or emergency. This is to prevent a new avalanche of deaths and infections from unleashing a new avalanche of deaths and infections during holidays, lunches and afternoons with bingo and panettone among family groups that do not live together. An offensive that should only be applied 12 to 13 holidays and days before holidays, from December 23 to January 6 and 7. A position illustrated last night by Speranza to Conte on a face-to-face night in which the prime minister stubbornly defended the less rigorous line.

Boccia said bluntly that is the purpose: “It is useful and necessary to restrict even more during the holidays. Hypothesizing meetings is crazy. Assuming dinners over partners is wrong. We have a duty to save lives. The dinners will be held next year. To later explain the line of «maximum prudence:« In May we had reached the contagion index Rt 0.5, but with June, July and August ahead. Now, thanks to the measures already taken, we are going down that path but we are facing January, February and March and we must be responsible. We must know that as of January 7 we will start again, but we will start again by securing health networks. If we don’t do it during the Christmas holidays, when should we do it? ».
A line of “maximum prudence” that finds the consolation of the Scientific Technical Committee. But the experts, although they advocate a “tightening” of the measures by Christmas, have not given any indication about the type of measures to be taken: “The responsibility for the decisions is political,” said the technicians who have deliberately avoided deciding whether Italy at Christmas it will have to be all red or all orange. And therefore, if families, even in contravention of the “strong recommendation” not to house “relatives who do not cohabit” in the house, they may or may not celebrate together. Parents and children, brothers and grandchildren. The party, despite Conte’s expectations, remains in the hands of the government. The CTS (unlike in previous months) did not take any chestnut out of the fire and did not give the executive the opportunity to say, leaving aside the complaints and disputes, “let’s close everything because the experts have asked us.”

Last updated: 08:30

