
The numbers ofCoronavirus emergency in Italy and in the world while awaiting the decree with which the CDM will establish today the color change of some regions and the rules for Christmas and New Years. In our country, according to data from the Thursday bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health, 18,236 new cases of coronavirus were registered in our country of the 185,320 swabs analyzed in 24 hours and another 683 deaths from Covid. The number of patients hospitalized for covid, both ordinary and in intensive care, is decreasing, but the rate of positivity has increased, that is, the relationship between swabs and infections, which stands at 9.8%. The most affected region continues to be Veneto with more than 4,400 new infections. That is why Zaia anticipated everyone and imposed new rules such as stopping traffic between municipalities after 2 pm during the holidays. Here are the daily infection figures region by region:
Lombardy: +2,730
Piedmont: +883
Campania: +927
Veneto: +4,402
Emilia Romagna: +1.667
Lazio: +1.597
Tuscany: +636
Sicily: +872
Liguria: +416
Apulia: +1.073
Walking: +467
Abruzzo: +246
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +707
Umbria: +180
PA Bolzano: +287
Sardinia: +268
PA Trento: +463
Calabria: +194
Aosta Valley: +19
Basilicata: +169
Molise: +67
Waiting for the CDM that today will give the green light to the Dpcm that will establish the new rules for Christmas and New Year’s Eve for Italians but also awaiting the decision on the color change of some regions. The national red zone is assumed from Vigil to Befana or until January 3, or only on holidays and the eve of holidays of the same period. From Conte to Boccia and Speranza everyone remembers that it will not be a Christmas like the others waiting for the covid vaccine in the new year. On December 27, symbolic day of vaccination for the EU, then in January the vaccination plan begins in Italy. Arcuri: “For the fall of 2021 all Italians who want to be vaccinated.” In view of the massive displacements expected in the coming days, the Interior Ministry has announced new controls on roads and highways, but also at stations and airports.
Almost 75 million worldwide infections and 1.6 million deaths from covid. Europe has more than half a million deaths, but the United States is the worst affected country with more than 3,000 deaths and almost 250,000 new infections every day. The situation linked to Covid in California, where a new peak in deaths has been reached, 379, with more than 100,000 new infections detected in the last two days. The most populous state in the US In the last 5 days has had to count more than 1,000 deaths due to the pandemic, with a total of 21,860 deaths since the start of the emergency. All over the world, new restrictions have been introduced for the Christmas period.
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