Rome, January 6, 2021 – The appointment with the extraction of the winning tickets for the Italy Lottery 2021. Special episode of the ‘Soliti Ignoti – Special Lottery Italy’, the show presented by Amadeus during which the winning tickets of the first category prizes of the final draw will be announced, allocating up to 5 million euros. Many guests who will arrive at the Teatro delle Vittorie and who will participate during the evening, including Elena Sofia Ricci, Valeria Fabrizi, Serena Rossi, Biagio Izzo, Alberto Matano, Laura Chiatti. There will be those who will play the game and try their luck in the investigation until the final game of the ‘Mysterious Relative’, donating the prize money to the Spallanzani Institute in case of victory, and who will be among the identities to be revealed and then they will participate in the dedicated game to the Lottery of Italy. There are also plenty of show and entertainment moments to celebrate, as usual, the super millionaire Befana.
Italian lottery numbers
There are approximately 4.6 million tickets sold in the 2020 edition of the Italy Lottery, with a collection of 23 million euros. The sales figure announced by the Customs and Monopolies Agency has fallen by 31% compared to the previous edition: 6.7 million tickets were sold in the last edition. the Lazio Once again, the region in which the highest number of tickets was sold is confirmed: in this edition there are 837 thousand, -36.8% compared to last year, when the coupons released were 1.3 million. Follow closely the Lombardy, which stands at 763 thousand (-33.4%), also confirming in this case second place last year. L ‘Emilia romagna, with 390 thousand coupons detached (-39.7%), is on the third step of the podium, a sigh ahead of the Campania, which stops at 387 thousand, in which the decrease was 36%.
Covid effect in the sale of tickets online of the Italy Lottery: in this edition there are 105,737, about 94 thousand more than last year, which marked the debut of the virtual coupon. Travel restrictions and point-of-sale restrictions have pushed some players to abandon the paper ticket: this is still a small portion (2%) of the total 4.6 million separate tickets, but it is the only data that goes against the trend in an edition that registered a drop in sales of more than 31%. It was possible to buy digital tickets for the Italy Lottery 2020, from September 14, 2020 and until January 3, 2021, through the dedicated area on the website, www.lotteria-italia.it.
Italy Lottery 2021: live
The total profits that will be distributed reach 12.4 million euros. The total prizes, Agipronews reports, will be 130, divided into prizes of the first, second and third category. Compared to last year, the total prize money has been reduced by almost 4 million: in the last edition the winning entries were 205, for a total of 16 million euros.
It will be 5 i top-notch awards Italy Lottery, with the first prize of 5 million euros, then 2 million, one million, 500 thousand and 250 thousand euros, while there will be 120 prizes “up to 50 thousand euros”. This was stated by the director general of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, Marcello Minenna, during the ‘I soliti Ignoti – Il viaggio’ program.
Instead, there will be 25 i second category awards, each one from 50 thousand euros. Earnings from third categoryinstead, they will include 100 tickets, each worth € 25,000.
The Customs and Monopolies Agency has communicated the series and numbers of the first five First Category tickets drawn, not yet combined with the prizes. Below is the list:
D114310 sold in Altavilla Irpina (Avellino)
A066635 sold to Gallicano in Lazio (Rome)
A211417 sold in Cavarzere (Venice)
G162904 sold in Prizzi (Palermo)
E409084 sold in Pesaro (Pesaro Urbino)
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