
Corset in the morning and elegant work in the kitchen. Quick lunch in front of the computer and then shopping. At the end, a virtual aperitif and a sofa with a streaming movie. In Italy now the routine of the confinement we know. In case you return, from November 9 as someone says or a few days before in some cities according to others, there is only one certainty: you will not find yourself unprepared. What then will change in our lives? if the dreaded repression were serious? The main point will be to give up, even during the day until 6 in the afternoon, all those activities that are considered unnecessary. So, if perhaps outdoor physical activity will be allowed (with time constraints, as is already the case in Campania) or taking the dog for a walk, it will not be possible to go to the shops or cut the hair. In the event of a “soft” total closure, in fact, retail and personal care activities will also close. The only movements allowed, besides those for health reasons, of course, will be related to work, shopping and school (only if Minister Azzolina manages to win her battle so that they are not closed to move teaching completely online) .
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Closing, no lunch
Not only. If it is not clear what will happen to movements between municipalities or regions, it seems more likely that, at least for a couple of weeks, it will also be necessary to give up the lunch in the restaurant. After the early closing at 6pm imposed by the last Dpcm, in the event of a new tightening, the shutter lowered all day is a concrete hypothesis. At the moment there are no real guidelines but, past experience and indiscretions in hand, the main entertainment of Italians will go back to the supermarket. Perhaps, unlike the past few months, you avoid stocking up on yeast and toilet paper because supplies have never been a problem and never will be.
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Online shopping boom
Returning to the stage then, there will also be homemade pizzas and desserts (there are those who swear that in some supermarkets in the capital the flour compartment is already beginning to empty day by day) but above all the passion for online shopping. With smart work and distance learning concluded, hopefully in the best way given the lack of consistency of fast connections in the Peninsula, online shopping remains the main alternative. Especially now that Amazon and the other digital stores are already launching promotions that anticipate the traditional Black Friday at the end of November.
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Afternoons in front of the TV
For the rest, the center of each night, with closed cinemas and theaters, restaurants with lights off, live shows not allowed, will once again be smartphones and TV. Maybe smart, with Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney + or TimVision ready to offer a great catalog that can satisfy the voracity of users who, if the spectrum of confinement regains consistency, would be forced to remain locked in the house. Especially doing it yourself. Or better with the only cohabitants. Thus avoiding receiving “external” people to limit the spread of the infection. To be close to friends, on the other hand, there are always video calls.
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Last update: 12:06