Huffpost Italy
Splashes of color open on the map of Italy, now redesigned. Roberto Speranza would have liked to maintain the restrictions until December 3, the day the current Dpcm will expire. In the end, however, the Minister of Health had to adapt to the automatism determined by the algorithm and the Presidents of the Regions. So today he signed the ordinance to soften, as of November 29, the measures ordered on November 6 in Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria, which go from the red zone to the orange and in Liguria and Sicily, that of the orange they slide to the yellow band. A decision that was undoubtedly the result of the improvement of the epidemiological framework detected in the last follow-up of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health throughout the country, but also of the firmness with which the governors of Lombardy and Piedmont remembered Speranza the automatism underlying the assignment of bands. “If the algorithm was valid when the red zone was established, it must also be applied now that the conditions for the orange zone are in place”, is the sense of reasoning given to the minister by the President of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana. “The situation has constantly improved – points out a source from the regional building – in fact for about ten days we have had numbers from the yellow zone.” As if to say: the data, with the Rt although still higher than 1 but lowered to 1.17, are on our side. No wall to wall, no quarrel between Fontana and Speranza, “but a clear and firm position on the part of the President did,” says the source, “and then the sacrifices made by the citizens had to be repaid.” Even the governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, referred to the “efforts made”. “We see the step in the orange zone as a step that compensates for the efforts made, but precisely so that they are not frustrated we have planned regional measures that I will adopt with an ordinance together with that of Minister Speranza,” he explained, announcing “very strict measures in the shopping centers to avoid gatherings “. The Rt of Piedmont “today is 0.84 the punctual, 0.9 the average, so both are below 1. When Piedmont was red we were in a Rt of 2.16, this means – added Cirio – that the Piedmontese sacrifices are served. “
However, there is no relaxation for Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche and Toscana: Speranza will sign a new ordinance to extend the restrictions in force until December 3. The president of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, assured that as of December 4 the region “spendto in the orange zone“, While since Veneto Governor Luca Zaia announced that with an ordinance choose until December 4, “medium and large sales structures” will reopen on Saturday. Campania is still a red zone, like Valle D’Aosta, which you probably expected to find yourself in the orange zone. “We will stay in the red zone and at the moment we do not know whyIs. Rome must give us clear answers, this is not gravityà ”, wrote tonight on Twitter the president of the Region Erik Lavevaz, while from Campania the governor Vincenzo De Luca sank in Speranza that“ never explains anything ”. In both regions the RT has decreased compared to recent weeks: in Campania it is 1, in Valle d’Aosta 0.99. Nationally, the virus transmission rate dropped to 1.08. A clear sign of general improvement, by virtue of which, based on the data for the week of 16 to 22 November examined today by the control room, Italy is potentially in the yellow band. Thirteen regions are in stage 1 and the other 8 are in stage 2. “But we must not be fooled by the yellow color – they explain to HuffPost from the control room – the infection begins to decline in all regions, but the commitment del Hospital services are always remarkable. And in some regions it is growing. “So this is not a” free all. “Rather.” We have clearly written – points out the source from the control room – that we must not loosen the restrictions too soon. ”A risk to be avoided especially in view of the Christmas holidays The concept was reiterated in the weekly follow-up by the Health Institute and the Ministry of Health, which photographed the current state of infection in Italy.
Almost all Autonomous Regions and Provinces continue to be classified as high risk of uncontrolled and unmanageable epidemic or moderate risk with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the coming weeks. Ten of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces are classified as high risk, the rest are moderate risk, of which 7 with a high probability of progressing in high risk in the next month, it is noted in the follow-up recommending that the Presidents of these Regions evaluate the opportunity to adopt new mitigation measures. These are Basilicata, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, the autonomous province of Trento, Valle d’Aosta and Veneto. No further orders from the Minister are expected, but the Control Room has recommended to the Presidents that they consider taking steps to keep the virus even more under control. Measures that could affect the school – “perhaps pushing the lever of distance education a little more”, they suggest from the control room.
It is still imperative to avoid meetings, to keep your distance, but in the meantime the map of the country has changed. The orange regions are: Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Basilicata, Puglia, Friuli Venezia Giulia. The yellow ones: Liguria, Sicily, Sardinia, Lazio, Molise, Veneto, Autonomous Province of Trento. Finally, the reds: Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Tuscany, Abruzzo, Campania, Valle d’Aosta.