It is really possible to imagine an Italy post-coronavirus? From a human point of view, maybe it’s still early, in the plan cheap However, groping to do so is a must.
Making the right decisions today means having the tools to be able to be reborn tomorrow, and it is precisely on this principle that the economist’s proposals are based. Valerio Malvezzi.
In this article, the professor outlined exactly what scenario he envisions for the Italian economy of future: choosing to continue in the line adopted so far will only take us to a context tacitly devoid of democracy and materially no coins.
What he explained live to ‘A special day’ with Francesco Vergovich me Fabio Duranti. This is what he said.
ITALY AFTER COVID ► I will explain to you what is the scenario that is setting in motion the virus
“My fear is that the coronavirus is having distorting effects on the economic system. There are entire markets that are disappearing and entire markets that are expanding. We are moving towards an international oligopoly and it is a serious problem because the oligopoly has been, from the world and the world, a contrast with democracy. They tell us that states are companies that must be managed with a balanced budget, so the subliminal message that is taught is that the state cannot be a democracy.
What is the picture below? I tell you: let’s remove public culture, let’s loot all public goods, let’s privatize what little is still privatizable, let’s eat what is edible and at that point the debt jubilee arrives, I do so much debt relief that I already I have carried all goods. The last operation will be to put a private coin. This is the scenario I want to fight ”.