
Antonio Noto took care of the Christmas decree in today’s issue of Day, commenting on the survey conducted after the announcement of Giuseppe Conte on the new restrictions planned for the next two weeks. The entire national territory will oscillate between the orange and red zones (which will come into effect on holidays and the days prior to holidays) until January 6, the date on which the government must resolve its internal disputes and then attend to a minimum criteria and planning, hopefully, the difficult winter months that await us, waiting for the vaccine to run its course.

The first fact that most caught Noto’s attention is that, some 24 hours after Conte’s conference, 72% of respondents said they still do not understand what they can or cannot do in the coming days. Also, 64% completely missed the red, orange and yellow areas, not knowing what rules to follow. In practice, the chaos dictated by late and unclear communication from Palazzo Chigi prevails among almost everyone interviewed, with many citizens getting lost in the sea of indiscretions filtered by the government before reaching a final decision. Here, therefore, we reach the final breaking point between the Italians and Conte: 55% of Noto’s interviewees answered that they do not know precisely what the new decree foresees and 41% think they are raping them by spending Christmas or New Years with other family members or friendsI since he is convinced that all the people he will surround himself with are not affected by the virus.