“It will part” – Libero Quotidiano


The farm of 5 star movement after the coup to the regional and the words of fire of Alessandro Di Battista runs so much risk that 54.4% of Italians do not rule out a split in the pentastelados. Excluding it is, on the other hand, 36.8% while 8.8% prefer not to express themselves. These are some of the data from the weekly survey conducted between September 23 and 24 by Political thermometer for the broadcast of La7, Break.

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After the last elections that saw the victory of the yes to Referendum and a tie between center-left and center-right in the Regionals, many wonder what the state of health of the Conte government. For 35.1%, the results of the surveys strengthened the executive, for the weakest 24.5%, while for 39.4% nothing changed.
