it will be every two years, with rankings that can be updated with new titles



Budget Law 2021 approved by the Chamber: foresees a multi-year plan for the hiring of 25 thousand support teachers and an innovative competition procedure for hiring specialized support teachers.

It will be a decree of the Minister of Education to regulate it.

The competition will be held every two years.

And again every two years, the rankings can be integrated and the candidates’ score in the ranking will be updated based on the new scores obtained in the meantime.

The test (or tests) will be selective.

What the amendment provides

The Ministry of Education is authorized to prohibit, – the text of the approved amendment reads -, without prejudice to the ordinary authorization procedures referred to in article 39, paragraphs 3 and 3-bis, of Act No. 449, which remain in force for subsequent entry into office, selective procedures, of an autonomous nature, aimed at accessing the position in a support position for subjects in possession of the relative qualification obtained in accordance with current legislation. The validity of degrees obtained abroad is subject to the full validity of the degree in the countries where it was obtained and to recognition in Italy in accordance with current legislation.”.

The competition will be governed by a ad hoc decree of the Ministry: “By decree of the Ministry of Education, the content of the call is regulated, the terms and modalities of presentation of applications, the configuration of the test or contests and the relative evaluation table, the evaluable grades, the composition of the commissions and procedures of judging. and titles to update the rankings. The decree also establishes the contribution of the secretariat, so that it contributes to the cost of organizing and carrying out the procedure.”.

How many candidates

A maximum of 60 thousand candidates is expected, that is, specialized teachers currently included in the GaE, in the institute’s rankings and who are taking specialization courses.

