“It was not doping, it was framed” – Corriere.it


Now you can tell. I no longer just suspect. it was a conspiracy.Organized to discredit Alex Schwazer and his coach, Sandro Donati. So Schwazer is a victim and should not be tried for doping: because it is not doped. It was put in black and white by the Gip of Bolzano Walter Pelino, who presented on the morning of Thursday 18 the 87-page writing with which he accepted the request for presentation of the Italian walker, Olympic gold medalist in Beijing 2008, advanced two months ago and a half, on December 3, by the prosecutor Giancarlo Bramante. Not only: The act mercilessly demolishes attempts to defend the Wada and then-Iaaf. (now World Athletics) and even harshly criticizes the work of Bramante’s own prosecutor.

Smear the athlete and coach Donati

The investigating judge, in his conclusions, considers it proven with a high degree of rational credibility that the urine samples taken from Alex Schwazer on 1-1-2016 have been altered in order to be positive and, therefore, to obtain the disqualification and the discredit of both the athlete and his coach, Sandro Donati. In the second point of his conclusions, Pelino writes, returning the documents to the Public Ministry for competence assessments, considering that there is conclusive evidence that in an attempt to prevent the aforementioned crime from being verified, a series of crimes have been verified. The following have been committed: a) false ideology in relation to the statement of having only 6 ml of urine in the original sample B, establishing that there were around triple (18 ml) (….); b) procedural fraud in relation to the aforementioned statements, to the pressure exerted on the Cologne laboratory to adapt it, as it subsequently did, to the positions of Iaaf in opposing the international requests for the delivery of the samples already seized (.. .); c) ideological falsification aimed at covering up the previous falsification, consisting of a statement according to which the aforementioned indication of the quantity (6 ml) was the result of an error (…) d) ideological falsification, procedural fraud and defamation in relation to the advice prepared, on the other hand, by Wada, by Professors Pascali and Tagliabracci (…) to dispute that the concentration of DNA found in the urine of 1-1’2016 should be considered anomalous (…).

The role of the Wada

The Gip does not save even harsh criticism of Bramante’s work, who in the request for dismissal had emphasized only the elements of opacity in the case, underlining that he considered it possible to manipulate the test tubes against Schwazer but that there was insufficient evidence to support the defense. Pelino, in fact, writes that precisely those elements really constitute a crime (Wada’s false statements to the judicial authority regarding sample B from the urine tubes). Therefore, it confirms an intrinsic weakness in the reconstruction carried out by the Public Ministry and that highly relevant evidence has not been adequately assessed (…). It will show how the doubts that stopped the prosecutor in the middle of the road are the production of false documents and directives with which the consultants appointed by Wada after a closed debate (and defying article 225 cpp) tried to invalidate the data that emerged. Of the report.

Disqualification remains

An expected judgment, in many ways, but maybe not so explosive. Eighty-seven single-sided pages demolish the sports system (and in this case the Wada, the World Anti-Doping Agency, and the International Athletics Federation (already shaken by several corruption scandals at the highest levels) and on the other only minimally do justice and after little more than 5 years of battles and pain, they return the South Tyrolean athlete, who was arrested in 2016 after a surprise check-up in Racines of the then Iaaf on January 1 and disqualified for 8 years from the sports system accused of having use of testosterone on the eve of the Rio de Janeiro Games, which Schwazer had to give up. Together with him, always at the forefront, his coach: Professor Sandro Donati, Historical memory of Italian anti-doping, the man who more than anyone else in our country fought to denounce this scourge at all levels. And who has always shouted at the innocence of his client, convinced that someone, up there where possible, to hit both, had manipulated the urine tubes, tested in the German laboratory in Cologne, to frame the walker.

In the hands of the IOC

The decision of the ordinary justice It will have no relevance or impact on the sports field. The eight-year disqualification, decided in the summer of 2016, remains: there is no possibility, in fact, to redo the process and eventually cancel the stop. The only way Schwazer can practice to get back into competitive activity (the dream of the South Tyrolese is always to participate in the Tokyo Olympics, scheduled for next summer) is to apply for clemency from the IOC and hope that the the International Olympic Games host it, by virtue of this favorable court ruling.

Donati’s reaction

Apart from Giovanni Malag, who tried to lend a hand, otherwise, total silence from the rest of the sports world: these were 5 years of very hard battle, and only in recent years has Federatletica taken a more distant position, perhaps understanding that the accusation was indefensible. Coach Alex Schwazer, Sandro DonatiHe hotly confessed to Adnkronos the bitterness of having fought this battle alone. Now is the time for others to reflect on the case. What will they say now? And what can we do to prevent these things from happening again? I was also framed in some way: passed for a fool or an accomplice, and I am neither. Now I too thank this brave judge.

Feb 18, 2021 (change Feb 18, 2021 | 3:43 PM)

