No, it was not a slight impact that Last august 3 It involved a pickup truck and Viviana Parisi 43-year-old deejay was found dead with her son Gioele Mondello 4 years in Caronia (Messina). This is confirmed by the images that you can see in the article, which portray the media involved. Furthermore, the van “was not stopped but in motion.” To say it are the consultants on behalf of the Luigino’s family Parisi, Viviana’s father and Daniele Mondello, the woman’s husband. “Both Viviana Parisi’s car and half of the road workers were on the move on August 3 and therefore the van did not stop as initially thought. And it is likely that the same truck tried to invade the expressway by hitting the woman’s car, ”they say. Carmelo Costa and Giuseppe Monfreda, consultants from the Mondello and Parisi families after this afternoon’s examination at the self-rescue in Brolo (Messina).
The collision between the vehicles was significant. Reconstructing the exact dynamics of the accident becomes essential to understand some of the behavior after the fact, “writes Nicodemo Gentile, one of Luigino Parisi’s lawyers. Consultants appointed by the Prosecutor’s Office and the victims’ families work.
Meanwhile, Pietro Venuti, lawyer for Daniele Mondello, husband of Viviana Parisi and father of Gioele, complains: “However, a very serious aspect arose that was reported to me by our advisor and that is that while Viviana’s car was correctly seized the same August 3, the truck where the technicians who were in charge of maintenance of the roads with which he had the accident were on board was seized only on September 10 and repairs appear to have already begun. “
Then the lawyer adds: “From the tests carried out today on Viviana’s car and the truck, we still cannot rule out that Joel is dead for shot occurred during the accident that it could have caused him a cerebral hemorrhage and would have killed him later in the Caronia camp ”. Lawyers are waiting for more tests on the GPS of the workers’ van to understand how fast the truck was going.
“And it is probable,” said the lawyer, “that the same truck has tried to invade the fast lane hitting the woman’s car. Joel’s prints were not found on the windshield.