it was a familiar face of the city


His clinical picture precipitated a few days after the accident, until his death. Massimo Bertoni did not succeed, the 54-year-old man crashed on the morning of September 7 last in via Correcchio, in the roundabout of via Meucci. The victim was traveling in the seat of a “Honda” when, for causes investigated by the Carabinieri of the Forlì Operating and Radio Mobile Nucleus, he was run over by a small car driven by a thirty-year-old.

Rescued by 118 health workers with an ambulance and a car with a doctor on board, the man was transported with the maximum severity code to the Trauma Center of the “Maurizio Bufalini” hospital in Cesena. He suffered a head injury but did not endanger his life. His health condition worsened until he was admitted to intensive care. Then death.

The victim is a familiar face in the city: in fact he was the owner of Eni’s service area located next to the Cervese towards the sea. That September 7 was particularly tragic on the streets of the Forlì area. Simultaneously with the accident in via Correcchio, there was a rear-end collision between a heavy vehicle and three cars that cost the life of 13-year-old Luca Bassi.

IN A14 – Tragic rear collision, one fatality – Video, rescuers between plates

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