Silvio Berlusconi exults for the agreement reached by the Eurogroup in Month without conditions “It is excellent news for Italy”, is the comment of the Cav that enjoys the results of the work within the PPE and with the European leaders: “We are convinced that only a strong and decisive intervention by the European Union can give us the tools to get out of this dramatic crisis. ” Thus, the founder of Forza Italia continues to assume a position diametrically opposed to that of the center-right allies, fueling many tensions. Among other things, Berlusconi does not avoid an arrow towards the League of Matteo Salvini: “It is very important that the Month has been approved exactly as we requested, overcoming the resistance of the sovereign origin of some northern European countries.” The position of the Cav is not surprising. Claudio Borghi: “You enter into disturbing accelerations, there is”. The deputy of the Northern League confirms his position: “For us, the MES does not make sense, both economically and financially. It sucks, in fact, other countries don’t take it. ”