It rains until Tuesday, Civil Protection extends the meteorological alert


The Civil Protection of the Campania Region has announced that the weather alert already extended until 6 in the morning on Monday, September 28, it was further extended until Tuesday, September 29, again at 6. The alarm, currently due to rains and storms with hydrogeological criticality of color “orange“, it will be colored”Yellow“from 6 on Monday to 6 on Tuesday.

LATEST UPDATES – Landslide at Monte di Procida

The next few hours

Precipitation will be particularly constant in the afternoon today and then gradually decrease starting in the evening. Starting tomorrow, however, the currently widespread rains will disperse, while maintaining a downpour or storm character. Dimming phenomena starting tomorrow night.
Winds will continue to be out of the west, locally strong, with gusts. As a result, the seas will be rough, with possible storm surges along the exposed shores. Finally, the impact on the ground suggests localized hydrogeological risk scenarios.

The possibility of surface runoff with possible material transport phenomena is reported; possible flooding of underground rooms and the ground floor; surface flow of water on roads; possible regurgitation phenomena of rainwater evacuation systems with overflowing and affecting depressed areas; elevation of the hydrometric levels of smaller watercourses, with flooding of neighboring areas, also due to local criticalities (filling, narrowing, etc.); possible rockslide at various points in the territory.


Civil Protection invites – read a note – pay maximum attention even in the absence of rains due to the effects induced by the forest fires that occurred in the region and by the saturation of the soils due to the rains of recent days. Indeed, occasional landslides linked to particularly fragile hydrogeological conditions could occur.“.”Local authorities are recommended. – explains Civil Protection – staying active until the expiration of the meteorological warning advises all the measures aimed at preventing and counteracting the expected phenomena both in relation to hydrogeological instability as well as the tensions of winds and the movement of waves“.

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In the municipality of Naples

At the moment Palazzo San Giacomo has closed parks, cemeteries and sports facilities, the first for today and tomorrow, the second only for today. It is not ruled out that more measures can be taken in the coming hours.

The situation in the municipality of Naples.
