‘It probably works in the English variant too. Adapting it would take 6 weeks “


Covid vaccine, Biontech:

The BioNTech believes that the coronavirus vaccine was developed jointly with the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer it is effective against the English variant. This was stated by the managing director of the German pharmaceutical company, Ugur Sahin, noting that more studies will be needed to be sure. “We don’t know at the moment if our vaccine is also capable of providing protection against this new variant,” but since the variant proteins are 99% the same as the predominant strains, BioNTech is “confident” in the vaccine, he continued. Sahin. BioNTech is currently conducting further studies and hopes to be confident of its efficacy in the coming weeks. “The probability that our vaccine will work is relatively high,” he said.

“Adjustment of the variant vaccine would take 6 weeks”

However, the German pharmaceutical company said it was able to develop a new vaccine, capable of fighting the English variant of the coronavirus. in six weeks. CEO Ugur Sahin said, stating that “we can start directly designing a vaccine that fully mimics this new mutation, and we can technically provide a new vaccine in six weeks.”

Ricciardi: “The vaccine is also effective in the English variant”

The “key” of the anti-Covid vaccine “still works”, even if the English variant of Sars-CoV-2 circulates. He is convinced of it Walter Ricciardi, consultant to the Minister of Health for the coronavirus emergency, spoke with “Buongiorno” on SkyTg24. “Mutations in viruses occur constantly – he explained – but in fact they rarely completely alter” the “lock” on which the “key” of the vaccine acts. “Right now, based on the data provided by our English colleagues, this” lock “is not altered. So this vaccination key can still open and protect us – Ricciardi explained – Of course we must continue to monitor, but the warning and encouragement is to speed up vaccination, protect more people and as quickly as possible.

“English variant only more contagious, not badder”

«We don’t have to be so worried» for the English variant of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. First, because «it seems true that» this mutant «it’s not bad anymore, just more contagious». And then why «I am 99.99% confident that the Covid vaccines will also work against the Gb variant». «I would be absolutely calm». So the infection specialist Stefano Vella, Professor of Global Health at the Catholic University of Rome, who spoke in “Agorà” about Rai 3.

Last updated: 10:57

