“It is time to repair the Earth.” The Pope’s call for a conscious decrease


ALBERTO PIZZOLI via Getty Images

“It is time to repair the original harmony of creation”, “return to the Earth the rest it deserves”, “cancel the public debt of the most fragile countries” doubled by the pandemic. Pope Francis supports him in the message of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, a message full of environmental and social content that paves the way for a conscious decrease.

“I renew my call to cancel the debt of the most fragile countries in light of the serious impacts of the health, social and economic crisis they are facing after the Covid-19. It is also necessary to ensure that the incentives for recovery, which are being developed and implemented at the global, regional and national levels, are effectively effective, with policies, legislation and investments focused on the common good and with the guarantee that social and environmental objectives global are achieved “.

In his message, Francis invites us to “reestablish equitable social relations, restoring liberty and property for each one and forgiving the debts of others.” “We must not forget the history of exploitation of the South of the planet,” he continues, “which has caused a huge ecological debt, mainly due to the looting of resources and the excessive use of common environmental space for the elimination of waste.” “It is the moment of restorative justice”, adds the Pontiff.

Bergoglio invites us to “seek equitable and sustainable lifestyles that give the Earth the rest it deserves, sufficient livelihoods for all, without destroying the ecosystems that support us.” For the Pope, “the current pandemic has somehow led us to rediscover simpler and more sustainable lifestyles. The crisis, in a sense, has given us the opportunity to develop new ways of life ”.

Always attentive to environmental issues, the Pontiff underlines the urgency of respecting the Paris agreements to avoid “a catastrophe.” “Restoring the climate balance is of utmost importance, as we are in the middle of an emergency. We are running out of time, as our children and youth remind us. Every effort must be made to limit the growth of the global average temperature below the threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement: going further will prove catastrophic, especially for the world’s poorest communities. At this critical moment, it is necessary to promote intragenerational and intergenerational solidarity. In preparation for the important Climate Summit in Glasgow, UK (COP 26), I urge each country to adopt more ambitious national targets to reduce emissions.
