«Italy understood before others that Europe had to be the protagonist of this battle, that this time it could and should give a strong and united response. We insisted that this decision be made, we believed in it despite the fact that more than one, even in Italy, considered an agreement highly unlikely. The extraordinary financial plan approved last July by the European Council is also the result of our efforts ”. This is what Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte writes at the premiere of the draft Recovery Plan, which is presented today to the Council of Ministers after tensions in the team. A Cdm fits in and starts the one that is underway in Palazzo Chigi on the Recovery Fund. It started just before 1:00 p.m. with a delay of almost two hours, and was suspended twice. In the first part, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte illustrated the Recovery plan, in the second part – now suspended – reflections began on the structure, that is, on the six macro-areas and on the six managers in charge of each one.
The financial plan
The extraordinary financial plan approved last July by the European Council “is also the result of our efforts and provides resources of 750,000 million euros, of which 380 are unpayable, which will be raised with issues of European securities, by 30% with ‘green bonds’. Italy will be the first beneficiary, with around 209 billion in loans and grants, ”recalls Conte, who was recently designated by @POLITICOEurope as a personality with the greatest influence for 2021.
The Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte, is he our main Maker? the person with the greatest capacity to exert influence in Europe.
Conte was brought out of obscurity onto Italy’s political scene in 2018 and his deft use of an emblem shows just how far he has come.
– POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) December 7, 2020
The National Plan of Restart and Resilience “to give substance to its objectives, pursues many lines of action on which there will be the total commitment of the government, but for whose success the contribution of all and all is necessary”, writes the premier. We are going to explain the pillars: “the strengthening of the human, natural and social capital of our country, a key principle in the centrality of the person, with their freedom, their aspirations and their dignity that must always be protected, in the world of work as in society, and a long-term horizon, as the name of the European program itself indicates: the New Generation to which we must look because ‘we do not inherit the Earth from our parents, but we borrow it from our children’ “, he adds . With you. Specifically, the draft plan foresees the distribution of European resources in six missions: digitization, innovation, competitiveness and culture, to which they should be destined 48.7 billion; green revolution and ecological transition, 74.3 billion; infrastructure for sustainable mobility 27.7 billion; education and research 19.2; gender equality, territorial cohesion 17.1; me 9 billion to health. According to the draft, the task of coordinating the plan and overseeing the implementation of the guidelines should be entrusted to a control room headed by Prime Minister Conte and Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri.
The crucial question
“What country would we want in ten years?”, Continues the premier, “the government’s reflection started from this question. Behind the Italian delay are known structural problems, but never tackled with sufficient determination. It is the moment to do it, following three lines of reform and keeping the human person, his freedom, his aspirations at the center of our action. First of all, we want a modern and innovative country with an efficient and modern public administration., in which innovative and increasingly competitive companies can operate, a country with secure and technologically advanced infrastructures that exploit all the potential offered by the digital revolution ”. The CEO adds: “Second, we want a greener country with energy production and transport systems compatible with the objectives of reducing gases that alter the climate and more resilient to extreme climatic events. Finally, we want a more cohesive country, more attentive to the well-being of citizens, both in the large urban centers, both in the towns and in the many, too many suburbs of Italy. We cannot tolerate the increase in gender inequalities in society, between Regions and territories, induced by incorrect past policies, which have not been able to stop a dynamic that harms economic growth and the stability of the social fabric. No one – Conte concludes – should be left alone ».
December 7, 2020 (change December 7, 2020 | 4:48 PM)