A Rome, in the elegant neighborhood of Prati this morning in front of the comprehensive school that the son of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, a group of parents protested the lack of organization of the resumption of classes in the classroom. “We also invite the Prime Minister,” says a father, “not so much to protest as to listen to us. Our children have not returned to school. Unfortunately it is so ”. At the base of the protest is the lack of teachers in the school, so the lessons of presence is not guaranteed. ”
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The schedule works on hiccup: First and eighth grade classes attend two days a week for approximately three hours a day. Very little for those who have to start a new course of study, such as the first classes, and for those who at the end of the year will have to take the exam State, in the eighth grade actually. “If this continues – assures a mother – we will take our children. Unfortunately there are no other middle schools in the area that can welcome us all, we will have to go to a private school: practically this public school failure “.