“It is plausible because there is too much circulation in Italy”


“We are seeing one very intense movement of people in all areas of Italy. In this way, the fact that we are moving towards a general lock it’s plausible. Surely in this second phase there are also psychological intolerances ». Affirmed it Walter Ricciardi, Professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University and advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, guest of ‘Agorà’ at RaiTre.

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«I pa few months will be terrible, the virus is very fast“, he has Walter Ricciardi commented. «Today, medical and health personnel are more reluctant to enter the Covid pavilions because they were also vilified -he added-. After the first ‘heroic’ phase, today the situation has changed». Ricciardi also spoke about the controversy and suspicions about the data sent by the Regions that some denounce could be manipulated: «I don’t even want to think that the data has been tampered with, because it would be a very serious crime.», he specified.

Finally, the advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza also spoke about the Pfizer vaccine. «This is great news, but the first doses are expected to arrive early next year, not before, due to authorization issues. We are confident that in 2021 – he concluded – we will have one or maybe 2 vaccines, but we will still have to be careful».

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 09:46

