It is no longer up to the mayors, but to the usl


The Umbria Region has accepted the requests of the mayors and the National Association of Italian Municipalities of Umbria regarding the issuance and revocation of the default orders of positive subjects: as of Monday it will no longer depend on the first citizens, but on the USL to determine the positivity and negativity of the subjects.

According to the agreement reached today, the ordinances, after the signature of Governor Tesei, will no longer be issued by the mayors, but the obligation to stay at home will be inserted directly in the letter with which the USL prevention department certifies the positivity of the subject. , while the revocation of the provision will be contained in an additional communication, again from the local health authority.

“The current system launched today – comments the acting president of Anci Umbria, Michele Toniaccini- with satisfaction – is much more linear, protects mayors and allows the positive subject to receive information in real time and not in a delayed way as happened in the last, due to a malfunction in the communication of the Usl to the mayors “.

According to Anci Umbría “The mayors will thus be able to focus on controls, but above all on assisting the population that, with this second wave, will need it a lot”.
