Since the beginning of the emergency, Coronavirus has been displaying ‘no mask’ slogans in its window, placards with phrases pointing to the pandemic as a media hype aimed at limiting freedoms with terror. There is also a coffin drawn with the words “Here lies the Italian Constitution”. “With the mask on you do not enter my agency”: this is what confirms Carlo Laurenzi, one of the owners of the real estate agency ‘Labirinto’ of Viale Fratelli Brusholi, in Forlì. The posters that stand out visible in the avenue carry phrases such as ‘The masks do not serve to protect against viruses, but they are a sign of their submission’ and ‘Those who renounce freedom to have security do not deserve freedom or security’. “From time to time I change them, I already have new sheets ready with other messages”, always Laurenzi. The display of “disobedience” signs in the window makes passersby turn their noses up.
Laurenzi, why such a position?
“The state has made a series of abnormal errors, causing the effects to fall on the citizens, violating existing freedoms and laws, making use of useless masks, if not a warning. That is why the citizen must be gagged and silent. This is what the pecoroni do. On the other hand, I am willing to play house not to renounce my freedoms, current laws, the Constitution and international conventions ”.
His is an activity in a closed room open to the public, he also has the obligation to wear a mask when he receives clients and to put it on. Do you respect this obligation?
“I forbid the entrance with the mask. If they want to enter with the mask I answer them ‘Come out, no problem’. They can make me lock up, nobody forbids it, but I will sue them.”
But if a customer, like many, shows up with the mask, you invite him to take it off and the customer doesn’t, doesn’t he need it?
“If you don’t take it off you can go outside, I’m not good for you. I don’t have to serve you.”
President Bonaccini Warns: “Ready for New Restrictions”
You are a physician, do you have any specific qualifications to make this choice for your store that are not consistent with the medical opinions underlying the obligations?
“If I look at the information in the media it is uniform: virologists, infectious diseases that appear on television who have interests and intrigues with the WHO or personal. But there are doctors like Professor Tarro, Montagnier and many others who say otherwise, without personal interests. I do not tell my clients ‘Buy the property’, but ‘Come to your technician’. Here the ‘state technician’ is the one who is saying what he wants, what the people want, WHO and with a series of opaque bodies. Doctors like Fauci, who has all the power in the world, have interests, others do not. I must be free to choose ”.
Yours is a position that defines itself as a Covid denier, right?
“No, I am not a denier. Covid exists, but it has been ingeniously edited. You are going to look for the asymptomatic by giving the” infected “, but the asymptomatic is a healthy person with a very low viral load, capable of transmitting the virus only to immunosuppressed The State is reducing Italians to a series of immunosuppressed people, doing violence to them, without even letting them go out. If no one rebels, I don’t feel like keeping quiet, I’ve been fighting for months. “
Are you not afraid that such a blunt stance will not harm your economic activity?
“Since last year I have already lost 50 thousand euros in turnover due to the confinement. I have put up more clear signs than can be read now. I have started to put them up since March. Or I am an ‘idiot’ who sends people who can Be a potential client or am I a person who believes in principles. Let’s say I’m an ‘idiot who believes in principles.’
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Were you Laurenzi the founder of the first meeting of Beppe Grillo and the 5 Star Movement in Forlì?
“I was the coordinator, I organized the Vaffa-Day in Forlì. Today, if I see the 5 stars, it makes my hair stand on end, they violated and disappointed all the expectations of the time.”