“It disoriented the Italians.” A poll sinks Conte


A few days ago, talking to her parents, Giuseppe Conte did not hide his annoyance towards Roberto Speranza. “It was neither necessary nor useful nor feasible”. What struck him so much were the statements of the Minister of Health that, a What’s the weather like, I had assumed to make use of “reports” neighbors to locate those who, contrary to government regulations, would organize dinners with more than six people. “The longer we drag the discussion – he complained – the more we run the risk of complicating the options …”. A movie already seen during “phase 1”. Strafalcioni, escapes back and forth, slips and messes up what needs to be patched. Even with the last Dpcm, the government ended up playing with its bare hands. And to confuse Italians, as Spin Factor, a leading company in institutional, political and business consulting, points out. ilGiornale.it has carried out an exclusive analysis on feeling of the Italians on the new restrictions.

Restrictions and individual freedoms

In the end, Conte managed to hold back Hope’s tear. The ban on having more than six people around the table at home has been relaxed in “a strong recommendation on the use of masks within the particular houses, in the presence of people who do not live together “. “We do not believe that we are introducing a binding norm – explained the premier – but we want to send the message that if you receive people who do not live together at home you must wear a mask”. However, the damage was done. Also because the statements made to Fabio Fazio were amplified the next day by the umpteenth unauthorized anticipation. There was talk of an article in the draft that conferred on “designated by the public authority” the power to enter the house “anytime” me “proceed with the identification of the people present in the property”. Not even this measure, in the end, has seen the light. However, government communication errors have led Italians to use the word more frequently. “restrictions” and it is no coincidence that it also appears among the 25 most used words in social networks and the web freedom. 27.59% of publications and comments are against these restrictions and fear serious consequences for the economy. The 48.19%, on the other hand, have neutral positions, that is, not expressly aligned or ambiguous.

The disorientation of the Italians

“The new health emergency framework – explained to the Giornale.it Tiberio Brunetti, founder and director of Spin Factor – coincides with a number of new restrictions that were not immediately explained clearly and this has very confused the Italians “. In word cloud, which shows the sixty most used words on the web, the tracking also raises concerns about the“emergency” and for a possible emergency shutdown. According to Brunetti, Italians are again very worried. “The perception of the pandemic has returned to the levels of the first confinement, when the most used words were those related to health – said the founder of Spin Factor – later, coinciding with the decrease in contagion, it was the request for economic security that sustained the scene “. Now, despite the perception of the situation, they are the continuous stumbles of the executive. The same ones he had performed during “phase 1”, as revealed in Coronavirus Black Book (Click here). Unlike then, now we are in “a more complicated panorama both because falling back into a climate that was expected to be overcome generates frustration, and because there are no concrete perspectives at the time of the definitive overcoming of the emergency”. This behavior will only increase the concern of Italians. Concern that, in the coming days, will be accompanied by another wave of discontent generated byeconomic emergency.

The government’s mistakes

If we take a step back and look at what happened in early February and March, we realize that the government was not up to the task of managing theemergency. Take the drama experienced in Val Seriana: the Alzano Lombardo hospital was immediately identified as the great incubator of the virus. The deaths between February 22 and 25, the chaos in the emergency room, the infected personnel who carried the Covid-19 to other departments and so on. However, when reviewing the complaints that the relatives of the victims of the coronavirus have submitted to the Bergamo prosecutor’s office and carefully analyzing the innumerable papers signed by the executive, another truth emerges. “Here, in our part of Italy, they rub only the hospitalized”, a doctor from Nembro denounced in Coronavirus Black Book. “There is a whole audience of sick people who have never been tested”. Back in the days when we argued about who makes tampons, who should use the mask or who could be considered a “close contact” and who could not have lost at least fifteen patients. And then the truth about the missing “red zone” is yet to be written. The magistrates are working on it.

The doubts raised in Bergamo can extend to the whole of Italy: delays, failed measures, leaks that have led the country to panic and lack of interventions to support the economic system. The same errors that, as the Spin Factor analysis reveals, Italians complain about at this start of Second wave. An appointment that the government should have marked on the calendar for some time, but for which it has done nothing to prepare. Why didn’t you stock up on the flu shot? Why didn’t you push for follow-up despite the virologists warning that we would be experiencing request exploitation? Why haven’t you come up with a serious mobility plan to avoid public transport congestion? Because he did not follow up on the need to improve intensive therapy in all regions of Italy? As in “phase 1”, the only answer Conte could give was to put limits on the Italians. In view of the next emergency shutdown.
