Istat: “Working women more educated than their colleagues but more penalized by the crisis.” Bartenders and waiters the most impressed


The repercussions on the world of work of the health emergency mainly affect women. In the second quarter of the year, the number of female workers decreased of 470 thousand units. The data was presented this morning by the president of Istat Gian Carlo Blangiardo, at the hearing on the maneuver in the Budget Committees of the House and the Senate. The reason is that women are employed to a greater extent than men in the sector of services, the worst hit by the crisis with 809 thousand fewer jobs than a year ago. The female employment rate (that is, the proportion of working women out of all those of working age) stops at 48.4% compared to 66.6% of men. A fact that places the‘Italy in the penultimate place in Europe before Greece alone. “The data on female employment in Italy remains worrying despite the level of education of women is significantly higher than that of menBlangiardo commented.

The most affected waiters and bartenders, good delivery men – More generally, explained the president of Istat, “the effects of the employment crisis due to the health emergency have mainly affected the most vulnerable components of the labor market, namely young people, foreigners and women, less protected jobs and in the area of ​​the country that, even before the emergency, presented the most difficult working conditions, the South; In other words, the pandemic appears to have had the effect of widen pre-existing gaps in labor market participationIn terms of sectors, more than half of the decline in employment involved professions in services and commerce (-10.2% compared to the same period in 2019); non-rated loans also fell dramatically (-5.7%), while clerical professions, the qualified and, above all, the professions of workers they registered falls below the average. Among the most affected professional figures are waiters, bartenders, cooks, shop assistants and retailers, domestic workers and carers; among the few growing professions, programmers or electronic technicians and delivery personnel.

The aid to the recovery of employment could come from the invention of the assumptions contained in the budget law. Among young people under 36, calculates Istat, there are approximately 2 million 375 thousand the representatives of the audience affected by the grants. It is, he explained, both unemployed (893 thousand), that is, of individuals who have carried out investigative actions and are immediately available for work, both from potential workforce (1 million 482 thousand) which include those who, despite not having carried out investigative actions, are immediately available for work (1 million 416 thousand) and those who have looked for work but are not immediately available (66 thousand).

More deaths but also fewer births – The current health and economic crisis could have a negative impact also in the birth rate. “In fact, it is legitimate to assume that the climate of Fear and uncertainty and increasing difficulties of a material nature. (linked to employment and income) will negatively orient fertility options of Italian couples ”, emphasized Blangiardo. “The 420,000 births registered in Italy in 2019, which already represent a minimum achieved in more than 150 years of national unity, it could fall, according to an Istat scenario updated from the most recent trends, a about 408 thousand on the final balance of the current year, recognizing in December a probable decrease in conception in March, and then it fell further to 393,000 in 2021, ″ he added. The single check, if accompanied by other interventions, can “Lend a hand to alleviate the fall” of the newborn, said Gian Carlo Blangiardo. “It is not the solution that solves the problem if left alone, but together with other interventions it can help.”
