Istat, the youth employment rate falls below 40%. Territorial and gender inequalities increase


ROME – Unemployment rate at 8.3% in the second quarter of this year, with a drop of 0.9 points compared to the first quarter and two points compared to the second quarter of 2019. Istat notes this, however , explains that the decrease is related to the increase in inactivity due to the epidemiological emergency of Covid 19 and the closure. The unemployed increased to 2,057,000. Inactive people between 15 and 64 years of age increased 5.5 percentage points compared to the first quarter and 10 points compared to the previous quarter, reaching 14,183,000 units.

Not only employees with a contract of no more than 6 months lost their jobs above all (428,000 in the second quarter), but also young people, so much so that the employment rate of the 15-34 age group dropped to 39.1 %, in 2008 it exceeded 50%. In addition, there were no new fixed-term or seasonal hires. The number of employees who at the time of the interview declare having started working in the first six months of the year is more than 400,000 units less than in the same period of 2019.

The number of employees decreased by 470,000 units compared to the first quarter and by 841,000 units compared to the second quarter of 2019. The reduction is mainly due to the fall in employed and self-employed workers, also given the blockage of employees. layoffs imposed by the government. Compared with the second quarter of 2019, fixed-term wage earners decreased by 677,000 units (-21.6%) while the self-employed lost 219,000 units (-4.1%) compared to -3.6% of total employment . The employment rate between 15 and 64 years of age drops to 57.6%.

The decrease in employment and working hours is not evenly distributed: the gaps increase not only by age group, but also by gender, geographical area and type of activity. The decrease in the unemployment rate is greater in the South (-3.2 points) and in the Center (-3.0 points) compared to the North (-0.8 points) and is associated with the most intense increase in the rate inactivity in the south and central regions (+4.4 and +4.0 points, respectively) compared to the north (+2.7 points).

Gender differences are increasing again: among women the decrease in the employment rate is greater (-2.2 points compared to -1.6 points for men) and in the unemployment rate (-2.3 and -1.9 points, respectively) together with the largest increase in the inactivity rate (+3.9 and +3.2 points).
The dynamics of citizenship is significantly different: the employment rate and the unemployment rate decrease in a much more sustained way for foreigners (-5.5 and -4.2 points, respectively) compared to Italians (-1, 5 and -1.7 points), while the inactivity rate increased more for foreigners (+9.5 points compared to +2.9 points for Italians).

Furthermore, the increase in generational gaps does not only affect the 15 to 34 age bracket: for those aged 35 to 49 the employment rate falls 1.6 points, the unemployment rate 1.8 points and the inactivity rate increases . of 3.3 points. While the employment rate of those over 50 years of age decreased with less intensity (-0.8 points), together with the decrease in the unemployment rate and the increase in the inactivity rate (-1.2 and +1, 6 points, respectively).

Differences by educational level are still high: the employment rate falls to 78.0% for university graduates (-2.0 points), to 62.9% for high school graduates (-2.6 points) and to 42.8% for those who have reached a maximum of the high school certificate (-1.4 points) The unemployment rate fluctuates between 4.7% for university graduates (-0.7 points), 7.3% for high school graduates (-1.9 points) and 10.5% for those with a lower degree. (-3.0 points). The gap in the inactivity rate is particularly high, going from 18.1% of graduates (+2.8 points), to 32.0% of graduates (+4.3 points) and 52.0% ( +3.3 points) points) for those with a low level of education.

In addition to employed workers, working hours also decreased, by 13.1% compared to the previous quarter and 20% compared to the same period in 2019. “These trends – observes the Institute – are consistent with the phase of exceptional decline in economic activity , with a drop in GDP in the last quarter of 12.8% in economic terms ”.
