Flavio Lo Scalzo / Reuters
“This year we will exceed the limit of 700 thousand total deaths, a worrying value because the last time we exceeded that number was in 1944, during the war.” This was stated by the president of the Istat Gian Carlo Blangiardo, who spoke in ‘Agorà’ on Rai3. “It is an estimate, because the year” of the Covid-19 pandemic “is not over yet,” he said. In 2019 the figure was 647,000 dead ”.
The average age of Italians increased in 2019 by two years compared to 2011 (from 43 to 45 years) and the old age index, that is, the ratio between those over 65 and those under 15, grew to 180 %. It can be read in the Istat Census of 2019 according to which “the number of elderly per child goes from less than one in 1951 to five in 2019 (it was 3.8 in 2011) and the old age index (given by the relationship between the population over 65 and under 15) has increased significantly, from 33.5% in 1951 to almost 180% in 2019 (148.7% in 2001) “.
The youngest municipality is Orta di Atella, in the province of Caserta, with an average age of 35.3 years; the oldest is Fascia, in the province of Genoa, where the average age is over 66 years. Campania, at 42 years old, is the region with the youngest population, followed by Trentino Alto Adige (43 years old), Sicily and Calabria (both 44 years old). Liguria is confirmed as the region with the highest average age (49 years). Also in 1951 Campania and Liguria were the youngest and oldest regions, but, for both, the average age was 13-14 years younger than that recorded in 2019.