Compared to the second quarter of 2019, fixed-term wage earners decreased 677 thousand units (-21.6%) while the self-employed lost 219 thousand units (-4.1%) compared to -3.6% of employment total, permanent employees increased a trend by 55 thousand units (+ 0.4%). During the period, a layoff freeze was in effect. The employment rate between 15 and 64 years of age drops to 57.6%.
Half lost employee Second quarter is under 35 In the second quarter, the number of employees decreased by 841 thousand units compared to the previous quarter and almost half of these are young people under 35 years of age, Istat recalls, explaining that those under 35 years old lost 8% of their jobs, falling to 4,776,000 units while the class between 35 and 49 years lost 424 thousand units (touching 9,157,000 people) and the class over 50 lost only 1,000 people, reaching 8,780,000. The data is linked to the coronavirus epidemic and the decline in fixed-term contracts and self-employment, while stable relationships have been safeguarded by blocking layoffs and the massive use of layoffs.
Despite the fact that social safety nets and the blocking of layoffs have made it possible to support employment, “the suspension of activities – Istat stressed – has greatly affected the beginning of new labor relations, particularly those of a fixed duration and their possible extensions. or transformations in indefinite contracts “. In fact, in eight out of ten cases, the decline in employment affects temporary workers (-677 thousand, -21.6%) and is concentrated among those with a working duration of no more than six months (-428 thousand).
Furthermore, “the usual new fixed-term contracts that characterize the second quarter of the year were not registered, a very favorable period for tourism with the start of the summer season.” The effects of the employment crisis due to the health emergency, at least until the second quarter of 2020, “mainly affected the most vulnerable components of the labor market (young people, women and foreigners), in less protected jobs and in the area from A country that even before the emergency had the most difficult working conditions, the South, that is, the pandemic seems to have had the effect of aggravating the pre-existing gaps in participation in the labor market ”.
Returning to the data, in the second quarter of 2020 the number of employed persons suffered a sharp decrease also in economic terms (-470 thousand, -2%), mainly due to the decrease in temporary and self-employed workers. The employment rate falls to 57.6%, 1.2 points less than in the first quarter of 2020; young people between 15 and 34 years of age showed the most marked decrease (-2.2 points). In the provisional data for July 2020, net of seasonality and after four months of decline, the number of employed increased again (+85 thousand, + 0.4%) compared to June 2020 and the employment rate goes back to 57.8% (+0.2 points in one month), measuring a positive reaction of the labor market to the recovery of economic activity levels.
Compared to the second quarter of 2019, the number of wage earners decreased by 841 thousand units (-3.6% in one year): mostly temporary workers (-677 thousand, -21.6%) and the self-employed continued to decrease (-219 thousand, -4.1%) compared to a slight increase in permanent employees. The decrease in occupation affects both full-time and part-time employees, for whom part-time is involuntary in 63.9% of cases. In addition, the number of employees who worked at least 36 hours a week decreased (50.6%, -13.8 points), after sick leave and the reduction in working hours due to the health emergency.
Hit the completed job The sectors most affected by the health emergency are precisely those in which fixed-term work is more widespread: commerce (-191 thousand employed, -5.8%) and, above all, hotels and restaurants (-246 thousand, – 16.1%). The fact that the crisis has affected certain types of work more affects the characteristics of the workers most involved. Young people between 15 and 34 years of age, who more often than other workers have a fixed-term job (26.3% compared to 10.8% of the total employed) and are employed in the hospitality sector (9.8 % compared to 5.6%) – suffered the greatest decrease in employment (-8% compared to -3.6% of the total), which in almost a third of the cases is concentrated in the hotel and restaurant sector. The decline in employment among women is more consistent than that registered for men (-4.7% compared to -2.7%) and is concentrated in the tertiary sector, with special reference to the hotel and restaurant sector (-141 thousand) and domestic services for families (-99 thousand employed); in about seven out of ten cases, the decline in the latter sector affects women with foreign citizenship.
Decline in the south Finally, the decline in employment was more pronounced in the South (-5.3%) than in the North (-3.0%) and in the Center (-2.9%). The greater weight of temporary workers (13.9% compared to 9.7% in the Center-North) and the lower presence of industry, a sector that has shown greater job stability, affects the southern regions.