“Since February 2020 iThe level of employment fell by almost 500,000 units and the number of job seekers increased by about 50,000, in front of an increase of inactive of almost 400 thousand ”. Istat writes this in the flash statistics of employed and unemployed persons for July. “In four months, the Institute continues, the employment rate loses more than one point, while the unemployment rate, with the data for July, returns above February levels ”.
Last year there was a hemorrhage of temporary workers (-16.2% in July in 12 months, -498 thousand) and self-employed (-4.5% equivalent to -239 thousand). The decrease in employment registered by Istat, for its part, does not concern permanent workers, who are also protected by the Covid-19 blockade of layoffs and have grown by 1.2% (+181 thousand).
The number of job seekers increased significantly in July 2020, while the number of inactive ones decreased. Thus, the unemployment rate registered by Istat rises to 9.7% (+0.5 points since June, +0.1 points since July 2019). The unemployed increased by 5.8% (+ 134 thousand units) while the inactive decreased by 1.6% (-224 thousand units) with a contraction that affects men, women and all age groups. The inactivity rate decreased to 35.8% (-0.6 points).
YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT – The youth unemployment rate returns to above 30%, in July, for the first time in more than a year, as of April 2019. Istat confirms it at 31.1% for the age group 15-24 years , an increase of 1.5 points from June and 3.2 points from July 2019. “Annually – underlines the statistics institute – unemployment grows among those under 35 years of age and decreases in the other classes.” Between 25 and 34 years of age, the unemployment rate is 15.9%, almost three times that of the 50-64 age group, and has grown 0.9 points in the last month and 1.4 points in the last year.
JOB UP – In July, after four months of consecutive falls, employment “grew again.” Istat registers an increase in employment on a monthly basis (+ 0.4% equal to + 85 thousand units) involving women (+ 0.8% equal to + 80 thousand), employees (+ 0.8% equal to + 145 thousand) and all groups of age, with the exception of those of 25 to 34 years. Employed men remain substantially stable, while independent men decline. In general, the employment rate rises to 57.8% (+0.2 percentage points). Compared to July 2019, the number of employees decreased by 556,000 units and the employment rate lost 1.3 percentage points.