by and asymptomatic positive one is expected quarantine of 10 days (against the current 14) at the end of which, after performing a test it’s negative, can end isolation. This is what the new Circular of the Ministry of Health provides, which updates the indications on the duration and term of isolation and quarantine. The circular contains the specifications of the behaviors to adopt also in other types of positivity.
New Dpcm, Conte: with the guests at home wear a mask. Distance Hypothesis Lessons in High School
«Asymptomatic people – underlines the circular – tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 they can return to the community after a period of isolation of at least 10 days from the onset of positivity, at the end of which a negative molecular test is performed (10 days + test). “
Close contacts of cases with SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed and identified by health authorities, according to the circular, must respect a period of 14 day quarantine since the last exposure to the case; or a 10-day quarantine period from the last exposure with a negative antigen or molecular test performed on the 10th day. Also recommended: perform the molecular test at the end of the quarantine to all people who live or come in regular contact with people who are fragile and / or at risk of complications.
Then, the Ministry Circular recommends providing differentiated access to the test to children; not provide for quarantine or diagnostic testing on close contacts of close contacts of the case (i.e. there has been no direct contact with the confirmed case), unless the close contact of the case is not subsequently positive for any test of diagnosis or in the event that, according to the criteria of the health authorities, the community assessment is appropriate; promote the use of the Immuni app to support contact tracing activities.
Finally, people who, although they no longer present symptoms, continue to test positive in the molecular test for SARS-CoV-2, in case of absence of symptoms for at least one week, can interrupt the isolation. after 21 days the appearance of symptoms. This criterion can be modulated by health authorities in agreement with clinical experts and microbiologists / virologists, taking into account the immune status of the affected persons (in immunosuppressed patients the period of contagion can be prolonged). This last provision is also contained in the Circular of the Ministry of Health.
New Dpcm, Conte: Dpcm, Conte: Bars closed at 9pm and house parties (with mask) with a maximum of 6 people. Hypothesis remote lessons in high school
Masks also recommended at home among non-cohabitants, house parties with up to 6 people (but this is also just a recommendation), stop for amateur contact sports such as football, basketball and volleyball and stop also for school excursions. For places that do not offer table service, close early at 9:00 p.m.
Last updated: 19:43